Alone/Not Alone

Oct 01, 2008 00:28

I feel very alone now. I doubt myself. When I get like this, I often think in my head:

what would happen if I took my butterfly knife out of the drawer and went on the trail with it?

would anyone come find me? what would my friends do?

I doubt my friends sometimes, almost as often as I doubt myself.

I am a Christian. I believe in God. I believe in the Bible. I believe everything that it says about prayer, about God being with us.

But I'm telling you that all that doesn't make things perfect. Christians are not perfect. We are human just anyone else. But the world looks at anything behind that label with such high standards, looking to tear anything they can find down.

I am human. I am sad, I am happy. I am joyful, I am angry. I am welcoming, I am rejecting. I listen to contemporary Christian Music, I listen to Korn and Metallica. The latter is bad for my mind.

What makes me different, then?

I rest in the hope that this is not for naught. There is a purpose for all this. I am being refined. I am being made into something better, that more closely resembles my Lord.

You may criticsize me for my beliefs. That's fine. I didn't put this here for a debate. Indeed, I may choose not to answer certain comments, if there are any at all.

But the last thing I want to emphasize, is that the Bible talks many times about Jesus being human. He hungered. He thirsted. He enjoyed spending time with his friends and disciples at meals. He came so that we can have life, and have it to the full. (Or have it abundantly, depending on your choice of translation.)

But what I think many who oppose or are against Christianity overlook is his suffering. He suffered greatly. He didn't want to go to the cross, but his love for us and for the Father was greater than all else. He hungered. He thirsted. His friends abanoned him, and left him all alone. And in the last moment, on the cross, the Father himself forsook him. Jesus quoted the words that King David wrote in Psalm 22, My God? My God? Why have you forsaken me?

Jesus suffered so much more of the things than you and I suffer. He suffered everything so we wouldn't have to. No matter what you're going through; pain, lonliness, rejection, heartbreak, doubt, fear, he went through it all during his time on earth. And no matter what you say about how things are different, the words of King Solomon come to play here:
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

So no matter what you're going through, he already went through it. Don't fear him. Don't shun him. Be open to his help. This is why he came.

-cross posted to 2amtomorning

-less, self check

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