Read an article in a psychosocial nursing magazine...

Feb 18, 2008 16:22

The article was called RAD kids, and it talks about a condition which I am very unfamiliar with, reactive attachment disorder. And the article tore at my heart in more ways than I thought possible- sickening at what some people are capable of, shock that this actually exists, sorrow for the poor kids, and fear- fear that I may be in a situation like that someday. How would I react? How would I handle it? It just makes me sad, and I wonder how kids like that could ever find hope in Christ. The Bible says in Exodus that when the Lord first declared the wonderful things he was going to do for the Israelites, that they didn't hear and understand it because of their oppressing slavery. I often wonder if we sometimes are like that- if we dig ourselves so far down into our pits of sin that we can't see or respond to help when it is offered to us. How truly pitiful we are when this happens!! I was almost filled with a sense of hopelessness for kids like that, because I can't possibly imagine that they would be able to be helped. But with lost souls, any progress is better than none. Progress is progress, however slow going it is. And this is something that applies to virtually everything: Salvation and spiritual growth, troubled kids, learning in the classroom, mastering a skill, anything. No one is unsaveable. What is needed is prayer and love- Love is the greatest of hope, faith, and love, and love can break through any heart, no matter how broken, damaged, or destroyed it is.

For those who are interested in reading the article, I copied the article, scanned it into my computer, and uploaded the word file onto google. It can be downloaded here:

ministry, kids

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