I feel like most of my f-list

Jan 22, 2008 21:53

I'm pretty sure your journal is flooded with the news but I just can't shake the fact that Heath Ledger is dead. While I was taking My Paradise lost & Paradise Regain class, someone called a girl in the classroom during our break and told her the news. Everyone in the room thought it was a sick joke, and kinda prayed it wasn't true. I'm saddened by the fact that it is indeed true. Heath was not one of my favorite actors, but I enjoyed seeing him in films (and I do admit his smile was incredibly charming). Even though he's made better films my favorite will always be "10 Things I hate about you" (and I'll never be ashamed of liking the movie). First Brad, then this. This has been a horrible month for the film industry. As I started reading my f-list I started to get teary-eyed. To those of you who feel sad I offer you a huge virtual hug. RIP Heath.

I was going to write about my Italian class and the semester, but...I just can't. Not today.

death, wtf, movies

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