Title: We're Meant To Be
Rating: G
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: I am not Johnny...nor am I related to him in any way. Therefore, I own NOTHING.
Summary: From the first day I met her....it was DESTINY. Me and Her...We're meant to be.
A/N: This is a JEboyxOC fic. Written again for my bestfriend/little sister
ninokenken. I hope you guys enjoy. Comments are LOVE. --- another fic written a long time ago. ;) There are no names mentioned at all in this fic so just to let you all know this is from Nino's POV. Douzo~
6 years since the last time we’ve seen each other. We used to be best friends. Always together…eating lunch, sneaking out of my house and getting in trouble. We were always together. Through thick and thin, no matter what happened it was always me and her.
But that was 6 years ago. We were young, reckless and impulsive. Things have changed. She moved away and left me all alone. My best friend…my love. I know that we were too young to be in love. It’s nothing but baseless infatuation people would say, and for years I believed them. Maybe we just weren’t meant to be.
But after a while I realized that that baseless infatuation might have been something a bit deeper than what most expected. Maybe…just maybe…fate had something else in store for us.
Ever since she left to go to US…my thoughts were always about her. My dreams were always about her. I would spend countless days waiting outside her house, hoping that she would come back, saying that her dad changed his mind and they were going back and staying for good. I thought that it was normal. It was just me, missing her.
But years went by and things didn’t change. I couldn’t get her out of my brain. Even though I knew she wasn’t coming back…I kept waiting…and I kept hoping.
Finally after 6 long years she came back. Successful, Beautiful, yet she still possessed an air of simplicity. A little bit older…but she’s the same little girl who used to play tag with me. After 6 long years of waiting and hoping…she’s finally here.
What am I gonna do?
I dunno how, but we ended up working together in one company, under the same department. I tell you working with the woman of your dreams just a few tables away from you was torture especially if I couldn’t even talk to her without making a complete fool of myself. Yet at the same time having her in the same room gave me assurance that I wasn’t having another one of my dreams. It made everything REAL.
Somehow, even if I wasn’t looking at her…I could still feel her presence. Everyday we would exchange greetings, politely bowing to each other with me hoping that our eyes would meet even for just a split second. But fate wasn’t on my side.
I managed to work with her and keep a professional relationship. Even if the only form of communication between us were the occasional early morning greetings I knew that she forgot about me. The memory of our childhood which I cherished was nothing but a vague figment of the past to her.
It was all in the past. A past I kept holding onto. A past I treasured…And a past long forgotten. It was nothing but vivid memories that can only be reached through reminiscent dreams.
There are times I would dream that she would come to me and we would start talking like how we used to, only to be rudely awakened by my alarm clock. It was on days like that when I would stay in bed a little longer, hoping to fall back into that blissful dream. Those dreams were my only escape out of the harsh truth that she has moved on…after all she already had a boyfriend.
I’ve seen the guy. Once or twice when he came to pick her up from work. I would secretly glance at them as they made their way to the elevator, hand in hand. I feel envy. Wishing to take that man’s place and have my hand intertwined with hers instead of having to finish reports.
I still kept hope that one day…she’d remember me. And until that day comes I’ll be patiently waiting for her. I know it was stupid. I had no chance against the guy she was with. He was a Harvard graduate, rich, had a nice job, a good background… he had everything a girl could ever wish for. He seemed like a nice guy too. On the other hand I was just a plain and boring office worker. I had nothing to offer.
But as they say love works in mysterious ways. They broke up one night. She came into the office late at night crying. I was there on overtime finishing another one of my monthly reports. She sat in her table which was just 4 tables away from where I was. As much as I tried to stop myself from asking her unnecessary questions I couldn’t help myself.
“Are you crying?” That was my question. Way to start a conversation, huh? Of course she was crying… But that lame question started our conversation. It was our first decent conversation ever since she came back.
She talked and I listened. Occasionally our eyes would meet. I know the look she was giving me. It was the same look she had when she told me that she was moving. There was so much sadness in her eyes that I wanted to do nothing but beat up the guy who caused her so much pain. Didn’t he know how lucky he was?Apparently not because he broke up with her saying that he wanted to focus on his career.
We spent that whole night in the office talking, I was even able to make her laugh a little. It was the time of my life and before I noticed it my report was due and I still wasn’t finished with it. I got into trouble because of what happened but it was all worth it.
All the scolding I got from my superiors were nothing compared to the happiness I felt when that same day when she invited me for lunch.
It went on from there. And now…
We’re engaged. It’s been 3 years since that eventful night. A lot of things have happened between us. She may have forgotten our childhood memories but each day that passed we were weaving new memories together. Now we’re together looking onto the future.
From the day I first met her… it was destiny. ME AND HER…We’re meant to be.