Our Road Back To Happiness: Chapter 2

Jul 14, 2010 00:20

Title: Our Road Back To Happiness [Chapter 2]
Length: Multi-Chaptered [Weekly Updates] 
Word Count: About 1,100 words. 
Pairing(s): Sakuraiba 
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst? >w<;;
Disclaimer: Arashi don't belong to me, this is a fictional story completely made up from my fangirl mind [: Anything in this fic similar to someone else's is completely coincidental. 
Warning(s): This fic is AU and will contain OC's . Possible OOC-ness. Self-beta'ed, so is subjected to many errors. 
Summary: College student Sakurai Sho lives an everyday normal life. That is, until he finds himself in a situation completely different from what Sho would've ever imagined him to be.

Author's Note: I'm really sorry for the late update, everyone! I promised this to be updated on Wednesday, but it's 12:15 A.M right now, so I've failed ]: I deeply apologize! Updates will be speeding up, therefore the next planned one will be on Sunday! This is short, maybe, but I have my reasons for stopping it at this exact point! xD

 The most awkward silence clung to the night air as the two stared each other down. 
“M-Masaki..?” Sho could feel the way his mouth started to become dry, and he was almost at a loss for words.

“Excuse me?” The menu that the taller man was hugging to his chest before was put down cautiously on the countertop.

He took the slightest step and held out his trembling hand, not believing that he was in front of him, “You’re Masaki, right?”

“That’s my name, yes.” Something in him made him hesitate to say his next words, “Do I know you?”

“Eh?” Sho’s eyes were filled with dread as his gaze was still locked to Aiba’s, “You don’t… remember me?”

“I’m really sorry, but am I supposed to?”

Sho inched closer once more, “It’s me. Sho-chan.”

Neither one said anymore before a voice from the back interrupted the reticence, “Aiba-chan, can you come here for a second?” Sho couldn’t tell who it was, because the vocal didn’t belong to Nino.

Without looking away, Aiba replied, “We have a guest, Jun! What do you need?”

Their focus on each other broke when a person emerged from the doorway in a model-like pose, his left hand on the top edge of the door, “Who’s he? We’re supposed to be closed right now.”

“I’m not sure myself. Nino just told me to attend to him.”

Jun click his tongue, “That brat, where is he?”

“In the back; probably playing with the new game I secretly bought him today.” There was a weak smile present as he talked. A smile and sound Sho knew too well.

“That’s a smart thing to do. Buy him a game, of course.” The voice of this person, on the other hand, Sho didn’t really like. His words were obviously said with sarcasm. But the thing that Sho disliked the most was how close they seemed to be, how their conversation and movements accumulated. “Nino!”

“What! I’m busy right now!”

“Put down the game and come out here!”

“But I’m almost finished with level 31!”

The surprised expressions lasted for a second as they registered what Nino just said before Jun screamed again, “I don’t care!”

They could all hear what was probably a game controller being thrown angrily on the floor and grumpy stomps that were nearing. Nino’s small figure appeared in the doorway, “What do you want?”

Sho gulped as a finger was pointed at him, “Who’s that?”

“That’s Sakurai Sho.”

“Thanks for telling us his name. Now, who is he?”, the way he said it made both Sho and Aiba cringe a little.

“Cool your pants down. I met him today at school, so I decided to bring him here for a visit. Is that so bad?”

“No, it isn’t, but not when you don’t tell us before you do so.”

“Yeah, yeah, mother.”

“But, wait..” Aiba began to speak up, “Nino, he’s saying that he knows me. I think.”

“Eh?” All eyes were now on Sho, which made him severely uncomfortable. Nino continued, “Sho, what do you mean you know Aiba-chan?”

“What do I mean…? What I don’t understand here is why he doesn’t know me.”

“Sakurai-san, right? I’m saying this for all of us, but I don’t understand why you need to know anything.” Sho knew his instincts were always right. Something about this Jun fellow just didn’t click, and the fact that he wanted to punch him in the face right now didn’t help in any means.

Sho’s hands clenched and unclenched as he tried to stay calm, “Don’t need to know…? Masaki is my-”

“Your what?” The tallest man was emotionless and Sho’s feelings were cluttered up, and nothing was in his control anymore as tears dangerously began to form. This was what caught the other three by surprise and they looked at each other uncertainly.

“Sho, is something wrong?”


“You’re lying, there’s something you know that we don’t, huh? How do you know Aiba-chan?” Nino’s voice changed to a gentle and soothing tone, trying to keep the atmosphere as serene as possible.

Sho ran to the counter and grabbed his bag, rushing out the door, “I’m sorry for intruding. Please excuse me.”

He didn’t feel the need to hold it in, and freely let the waterworks stream down his face. Running to a nearby park, Sho sat down on a bench and looked up at the starry sky. The entirety was wrong. Sho always had him by his side, he used to know everything there was to know about him, but he now realized that he was slowly vanishing away. The pain was unbearable, and he felt broken and shattered inside.

“Sho-chan! Sho-chan!” A boy ran happily towards the other, caressing something in his hands.

He took his eyes off the river that was sparkling due to the light of the sun and a smile automatically displayed on his face, “Hmm?”

He squatted down next to the other boy, “Look, I caught a butterfly!” He split his hands, revealing a dazzling creature of pure whited wings. Laughter continued as it took off; random flight patterns that made it hard to follow with their eyes.



“Do you really have to go?” The pleading nature of his voice hurt both of them.

“I’m afraid so. My mom said first thing tomorrow morning.”, he sighed and sat down comfortably on the grass, next to him.

“You know, you could just stay in my house, and-”

“Sorry, Sho-chan.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“We’ll stay in contact though, right?”

“Of course! Definitely!”

“How I wish we could just stay like this forever.”

“Me too, Ma-chan. Me too.”

By the time Sho put himself together, he found that it was already 1 in the morning. An exhausted groan, his feet dragged on the floor as he began to make his why back when a few noises made him jump.

"What the fuck did I say, huh? I said you owed me the money tonight!" Sho hid behind a bush as he watched the scene in front of him.

"Please! I'll have it ready in a couple of days!"

"You said that a week ago! You think I'm playing games here?!"


"Get him." The other people that were behind the man started beating the helpless man, his body bruised and bleeding. The leader just lit a cigarette and made no moves of telling his comrades to stop. His personality was backed up by the way he was dressing; a leather black jacket, white tank top, and black jeans.

Being the prideful person he was, Sho stepped out, "What are you guys doing?!"

The punching stopped as everyone's attention was averted. "I'm going to call the police and they'll-" Sho was in horror, and it shown obviously on his face as he looked at the man's face, "Masaki?"

-----Hope everyone enjoyed! Comments are appreciated, but silent readers are welcome as well (: Hope this built up the suspense well enough x.x I've found that my writing is beginning to get more horrible as I go along, so please bear with me xP Thank yous! 

Chapter 1l Chapter 3

x:pg, #multi-chapter, g:angst, p:sakuraiba, orbth, fanfic

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