Jan 16, 2009 22:36
11/14 college apps done or about to be done. Wooooohooooo.
Two are due on February 1st (Dickinson and Sewanee) and one's on Monday (University of Maryland- College Park), and I'm finishing up a few right now (aka procrastinating) but whatever, I've gotten a crapload done, I'm happy.
It's interesting, though- the application process itself has influenced my feelings on some colleges. If they have a really stupid supplement, my opinion of them may decrease, whereas if I actually ENJOY doing their supplement, that's big +points. The latter applies to University of Chicago- had been in my top 5ish, but then I did their supplement, which was actually creative, not 'we're going to try to show that we're quirky and you should love us' (ahem, Kenyon), and because I liked writing it so much (it was basically a creative writing piece), they're probably my third choice right now.
So yeah.
college shiz