House moving update (amongst other things)

Jun 24, 2008 23:17

Yesterday in Rachel Vs The Bathroom: Round One the score was 1-0 to The Bathroom. In the concluding match this evening, Rachel Vs The Bathroom: Round Two (The Rematch) the final score was as follows...

The Bathroom 1

Rachel 500,000000

Oh yes, I rock.

If only I could get my bedroom to do the same.

Someone at work bought me a Ryan doll. This is possibly the best thing that has happened to me all week. Although... actually... Mel wrote me fic. And it was amazing. You should go check it out if you're into HSM (and specifically Chyan) - she's on and her username is Slayya. ♥

I wrote HSM crackfic. It involves Chad, Ryan, a trail of hats and Wizard of Oz and The Full Monty references. Be afraid.

Might be my last update for a few days. We're off to Glastonbury on thursday and there's no guarantee I'll have time to come here tomorrow as is my last day at work followed by the booking of my round the world flights, followed my much cleaning and packing. Wait and see I guess.

everything is crazy, fanfic ramblings, messiest girl in the universe, ryan is sparkly and i love him

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