Nov 28, 2009 01:14
Name: Jo
Age: 24
Birthday: Oct 8
Gender: Female
Location: Florida
Religion: Raised Catholic
Language: Emglish
Interests: Anime, DnD, Reading, music, painting, sketching, pottery, museums, concerts, gaming... ummm if I think of anything else I'll add it later.
Music: rock n roll, 80s mostly, actually anything from the 70s- now is good as long as I can understand the lyrics. Only thing I don't really care for is rap.
Movies: pride & predjudice, sci-fi/ fantasy movies, comedies, action... the more things that go boom the better lol.
Books: authors: patricia briggs, carrie vaughn, ilona andrews, jane austen, mccaffery, orson scott card, meyer, rowlings, etc.
TV: law and order, bravo channel, vampire diaries... ummm don't really watch a lot of tv really
Handwrite/Typing: depends on my mood
Length of Letters: also depends on my mood
Sending Gifts: sure!
Time till Response: hopefully not long
Age of Penpal: don't care
Male/Female: don't care
Where Do You Want Them To Be From?: anywhere
How Long Have You Been Penpaling?: new at this
How Many Do You Want?: several
What Are You Looking For In a Penpal?: want to meet new and interesting people.