Hello there! If you are looking at this post you have probably followed a link from
pkmncollectors. Thanks for looking. :3
[Needs updating!]
Heart links lead to the plush toy's listing on PokePlushProject.
Pichu plush!
♥ Takara Tomy Gizamimi Pichu
♥ Sleeping Gizamimi Pichu
♥ Jakks Pacific Pichu
Sentret plush!
♥ Kutakuta Sentret beanie
Ho-Oh plush!
♥ Ho-Oh
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I might be! :0! You happened to catch me when I have a little bit of money. How much would you be asking for it?
And would you be willing to take a picture with a Kid or Pokedoll for size reference? That would be great. :D
Thanks so much ^^
http://pics.livejournal.com/shayminseeker/pic/000022sa It's around the same size of a pokedoll, maybe like 7 inches. :0
Wow, it's smaller than I thought! But so cute.
$25 is fair, but a little bit more than I can do at the moment... Would you accept $20 shipped? My zipcode is 85015. (Recycled packaging is good with me if that makes the shipping expenses lower! haha)
I would be more than willing to jump on it now, but I need the monetary wiggle room for some other non-toy purchases. You probably know how that goes @_@
Anyway, thanks again~ ^^
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