Sep 20, 2003 20:50
I'm so glad for my friends to have friends, really I am. It's better than be lonely.
I was so lonely today I walked to Rogers just to get outside, but I realized I was even more alone there. At least I got a French film out of it, which I will watch later tonight. I kind of like French movies; they all seem to be quite over dramatic and full of sex. I'm not usually lonely, usually I don't care. Ahh, I think I'm just PMSing. Oh well.
Know what I did this weekend? Nothing. Last night..I stayed home and did nothing of consequence. Today I studied for psych, which I meant to do tonight also, but I got caught up in my romance novel so I didn't. I'll probably finish that tonight.
Jesus, I don't want to go back to school. Not at all. The thought of makes me want to die.
I'm so bored with my life lately, with everything in it. I need something exciting, an adventure or something, I don't know. I'm just cooling my heels here waiting. I think Bif Naked put it best when she sang,"Anyday now, I'm gonna start my real life" I should go listen to Bif Naked, I'm in that kind of lame, emo, melodramatic mood. Hah, I suck.
Oh yeah, and a new layout. My Pirates of the Caribbean one from uJournal; I wasn't ambitious enough to make a new layout from scratch. The "Sigillum Diaboli" layout matches better with uJ anyway, since that happens to be my user name. Although, I do like this layout better - but that may have something to do with the ever gorgeous and talented Johnny Depp.