Nov 21, 2011 20:00
I should probably put this up before I get distracted. SO things happening in the next few weeks:
- Guests staying at our house until the middle of next week
- Traveling from 12/1-12/5 (HI KENTITY HI); I should have internet for at least a few days, but I suck at threading on smartphones so I will probably mostly just text/gchat people a lot
- Traveling from 12/11-12/12 ETA: HAHA JUST KIDDING now it's until the 13th
- Family vacation to Taiwan from 12/26-1/6; I have no idea about internet and also timezones. CASTMATES, LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO FIGURE OUT FULL-HIATUS STUFF FOR THIS or if you're cool with just handwaving offscreen stuff
- ...also I am supposed to get my preorder of Skyward Sword this week and I will be marathonning it feverishly to see if I can finish before my sister gets home for vacation next month
So basically uh, definite slow/derpatus for the days when I'm not traveling. I will try not to make it a full hiatus the whole time and people are definitely allowed to punch me to do things and I will try my best (it may involve workninjaing)!!
This applies to Hisoka/Wakaba/Genis/Shaz/Mirka/Ouka/Naoto/Eles/Chibi I swear I will stop playing the puppy 99% of the time eventually.