During my Saturday night animu, I was sketching some basic layouts for a TF2 map. After creating a couple pages' worth of amorphous blobs, I lost interest and changed tracks. I have been redesigning Kupi's outfit for use in the game after Shadows Over Volgadan, so I decided to make a picture featuring it in action (as opposed to in profile). This is the result.
Some of the key design differences:
1) The butterfly bow is gone forever. It is replaced by a sort of leafy-flowery bandanna knot which is much easier to draw.
2) The robe's been shortened into a jacket and left open a bit. I want to masculinize the character just a bit. The game I want to use this design for is a Sonic knock-off, so I want to stress the character's athleticism.
3) Since the jacket ends much higher up on his frame, the pants have been given more emphasis. I call them P^4s: Purple Pleated Parachute Pants. Under normal conditions, they obscure his feet.
4) He wearing mocassins instead of those geta I have him wearing in Shadows Over Volgadan. You can't run in high heels and you can't run in geta; I don't care how much Samurai Jack did it.
5) With all that extra room in the back (THE BUTTERFLY BOW IS GONE FOREVER), Kupi now has a ton of extra hair which should flap in the breeze nicely.
I am happy enough with these lines to maybe throw some digital ink on them. At least the face (the front leg is an atrocity); I've been meaning to have a nice original version of Kupi's face to use as an avatar for a while.