Jul 26, 2008 21:16
I like to think of myself as rather flexible, down to earth, what ever you want me to do i'll do it, most of the time. It is also very well known to me that I can become rather stressed and annoyed when people aren't doing their jobs.
This is my statement.
I have no more patience! Mistakes happen I know that, I make mistakes, he makes them, she makes them, you make them... I don't care that the pope even makes them there is absolutly no reason that communication is so frazzeled that someone has to leave early from a rather important/special event to travel back to school when there was no reason for her to be back on campus. Why this is effecting me so now I am not completly sure, but I don't see my family much, the two people who have been really looking after my brother since my fathers death just got married today. I missed the ceremony today because of stupid wal-mart. I traveled to Turner for the reception and stayed for a bit but then I had to get back to campus for an overnight that for me didn't exist! I was told to be somewhere and I was there, only to find out that someone else had previously taken the shift leaving me in one of the last places I had wanted to be tonight.
I am sick of this
I am rather pissed
What I'm more angry at than this mix up is the fact that I can't fucking stop these idiotic fricken tears!