Mar 07, 2008 16:58
My Roles
Mother/Daughter I am respectful toward my mom, but I also joke and can be very sarcastic when talking with her.
Brother/Sister Mentor, supportive, I can be very serious and also very goofy with my brother. Not overly affectionate but caring.
Roommate Kind, and somewhat chatty, I am always trying to show interest and be respectful. Somewhat of a tour guide at times because my current roommate is from Holland and is only here in Maine for the semester. Always offering to bring her somewhere she wants to go, or help her find something that she needs.
Employee As an employee in the music box office I am quiet, polite to my boss, always attempting to get as much done as possible, Pleasing and kind, helpful. When coverage is needed I try to be very flexible and do what needs doing. When I am taking a call I always sit up, smile and answer pleasantly, while doing my very best to help the person on the other end to the best of my ability. When faced with a patron face to face I again force away any negative anythings and paste a smile and bright tone to my face/voice. At times I go out of my way to make patrons as happy as is in my hands to do.
As an employee in the Center for Sexualities and Gender Diversity on the Portland Campus I am still rather quiet and always as pleasant as possible. At times when there are others in the center I become an active participant in discussion or what might be happening at times. When a person comes in the door I am very careful to greet them and ask if I might help them with anything. With my boss it is more of a laid back but formal relationship. I do a lot of small talk and attempt to answer questions the best I can, but it is very obvious that I am not always the talkative type.
Friend As a friend I am sympathetic and quiet with most. The listener of the group, I carry a listening ear when it is needed though very awkward in strained situations. I’ve been pushing myself out of my shell more with friends I am more comfortable with and I laugh and have fun. One friend I will just walk up too and start playing with her hair when it looks like she has had a tough day, and with another it is random shoulder rubs and a bit of laughter when he realizes it is me. I act hyper when tired and with friends.
Student As a student I take a side seat. Most often I am that student that sits in the front of the class, unless it is big or I don’t know anyone in it, and pays attention and attempts answering questions when asked but otherwise I am quiet and attentive. When dealing with professors one-on-one It is important for me to address each one properly to the best of my ability.
Around strangers in a non-working environment internal, quiet, super shy, clumsy, awkward, rarely with anything to say.
With Children I am a goof. The goal with children is to make them laugh and to have fun with them. When times are serious I can be stern and serious, especially when it comes to bed times when I am babysitting on school nights. Patience is key and vital especially when explaining something that may be over their head. I am very protective of the small ones I know, motherly almost.
With older people patient, slow speech, a follower with conversation
On the Stage A Siamese Head Wife of the King, Traveler, Stage hand, SM, Sound, Solo Nun, Magical fairy Godmother, A nursemaid with Rabbit ears, A midlife old English man.