Love Test.. alittle correct? lol

Jul 12, 2007 00:39

1.  You are attracted to those who are warm and obedience.

2.  In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
    feel irresistable is creative, never let you feel bored.

3.  The impression you would like to give to your lover is loyal,
    faithful, never change.

4.  You don't like it when your partner is emotional and/or too
    moody; and you don't know how to please him/her.

5.  The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
    partner is traditional, without saying anything, the other
    will know what you want, both of you communicate by hearts.

6.  You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything
    wrong after marriage.

7.  You are afraid of marriage, you think it would take away your

8.  At this moment, you don't have the thirst for love, you can't do
    anything for it, you won't fall for it easily.
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