For some reason I suddenly feel like I'm drowning in editing and I've let myself start to wondering if belonging to a handful of crit groups are worth the effort when I get a few crits here and there ever couple months.
I feel like I should be sending something out, but I don't want to start queries without having some kind of first editing done. Plus should one send out queries after you edited a novel only once?
An acquaintance pointed me to a crit group site that sounds interesting (like I need another one) I don't think I'll join. It's 50$ a year just to belong to the group. Yesh - I wondering how many people are actually one the group!
Now to go read more of Demons and wonder if it should go to a crit group or start working on a query. (by the time a query is done I'll be done editing).
on the bright side extra drawings of plot bunnies over at