Wait, wait, what? What?

Jul 13, 2010 12:34

I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Funny story, guys. Out of fourteen writing samples, I got Stephen King five times. Depending on the character and the piece that I submitted, I got a new author almost every other time:

Adrian - Kurt Vonnegut
Nick - Stephen King, Chuck Palaniuk
Rhenin - Stephen King, James Fenimore Cooper, Chuck Palaniuk
Skylar - Stephen King, James Joyce
Riker - Stephen King (twice in third person), Dan Brown (in first person)
Anza - H.P. Lovecraft, Vladimir Nabokov
Shannon - Margaret Atwood

Out of all of these, I've read one book by Chuck Palaniuk (Fight Club), a short story by Stephen King (1408), and attempted two books by James Joyce before they shotgunned my brain to smithereens (Finnegan's Wake, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man). I intend to check out at least one book from each of these people, just to compare writing styles. Is that obsessive?

meme, notes, random

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