Excerpt from the Daily Prophet agony column

May 16, 2007 15:12


Now you know why I said not the blue one. You missed a spot on your left elbow.

Love, Klara



Never try and catch me up in one of your schemes again. I still haven't managed to get all the custard out! I don't want to speak to you again for at least a month.




I don't know why you read this nonsense. Still, I know you read it so I'll just say I'm sorry you're so distressed. But I really don't know what you're going on about; I haven't been ignoring you for weeks. And wailing on and on about how I warded the house against you for a month doesn't help matters when I didn't. You'd think I'd remember something like that! And you were the one to melt the ladle the Mastery Board gave me for longer service and ruin a perfectly good potion at the same time. And I'm willing to forgive you, but this other business is ridiculous. Come over if you want to, just stop crying already.

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