
Aug 06, 2004 12:10

BLAH. I just wrote out an entire journal entry then it got deleted. And I didn't get a chance to copy it, so now I'm huffy. *Huffs.* Wah. I feel like crap. I went to bed at 4:30 a.m. (to me, this is really, really late) and got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. For some reason, I just couldn't get back to sleep, so that totally sucked. But to pass the time from then 'till now I watched CoS, and that made me feel a bit better in it's own little special way. Rupert Grint never ceases to put a smile on my face. *Stomach rumbles.* I didn't get to eat breakfast, either. There was no cereal left, so I decided to wait until lunch instead of attempting to make something. So yay! Soon I'm gonna either go out and get something to eat, or just make something really crappy. Either way, I shall be content.

Blah. I just got a call from Cindy asking if I could babysit tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon. But, I'm supposed to go to my dads tomorrow afternoon. So I told her I'd think about it and call her back later. Because, well, I really want the extra money (who wouldn't?) but I want to go back up to SF, 'cuz things will be boring down here probably, everybody seems to be doing things these days. But I'm supposed to try and save up money so I can buy a train ticket to go see Melissa after she has her baby this month down in New Brunswick... but if I babysat I probably wouldn't be able to save the money anyway. I'm not good at saving, unfortunately. But I really, really want to see Mel. I haven't seen her in ages, and it's making me really sad. I miss her too much :( And she's having a baby, and I can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl. I think it'll be a girl, personally. I remember when she called and told me she was pregnant, it was right around my birthday ^^ Oh god do I ever want to go to New Brunswick, though. So much. It would be wonderful. Then I'd get to see Greg too and all the other family down there I met last time.

Damn. About a month before school starts up again. I want to go, and yet I really, really don't. I don't know what I'm going to do about the photography class they're probably not going to let me take (bastards!) and I don't want to leave that period as a spare. Probably just end up taking another science or something *Sigh.* Aaron said he wanted me to take grade 12 art with him... but, no. I didn't take any of the other art classes, and I'm not starting in at grade 12. Plus, I can't draw to save my life. Guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens when I get back. But I want everyone to cross their fingers for me that I don't end up having to take physics or something. If so, I'm toast. Heh, it's early August and I'm already getting panic-like about school. How sad am I...
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