Wow, shit.

Jul 22, 2004 20:53

Okay, I'm aware I already posted in this thing today, but OMG. BB5 drives me crazy in the most interesting way ever. DREW GOT HOH. DAMNATION! CRAP! NO! Death to the four horsemen! Well, okay, not Drew. Drew's hot. And not Michael. Michael's not too bad. But good lord. Why did one of them have to win? Everyone else is fucked! Jase and Scott (hatred. rising.) were obviously beyond happy. They weren't being very subtle about it either, were they? *JUMPDANCEPRANCEANNOYTHEWORLD.*

Really. I loathe them both. With every episode, it gets worse, and I hate them more. So who do I want to go up on the block next? Scott and Jase. But it won't happen. 'Cuz Drew's their bitch boy. Well no, that's me being bitter. But I wouldn't mind seeing Holly and Diane go up. However, that's not going to happen either. It'll probably be Diane and Marvin. Or Diane and Adria. Either way, as long as Will, Karen or Jennifer don't go, I'm fine. But still! Jase and Scott must be punished. Severely. And if they ever make fun of Will again, I hope he claws their eyes out. With his kick ass chick army. Power to you, baybee.

Oh, right. Just for anyone who didn't read my entry below; do so. Mainly just for the ending thing about the fan flix. Really, I need ideas. And songs. Come on guys, become my muse. You know you want to. And whooo! I saw fan flix tonight that had clips from POA! I was so freaking happy ^^! The only bad thing was those clips were really dark. But I didn't expect much different, since it would have had to been downloaded. I'm trying to get POA off iMesh, currently. Maybe once it actually freaking works, some new creativity will hit me. The only thing that sucks is I can only use mpg files. 'Cuz video studio hates me. With a passion that only matches my hatred of Jase and Scott.

So yeah, ideas people. Muse away.

*Death glare.*
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