Jul 02, 2004 16:14
lol okay I'm over it but how cool does that look? anywas...
yay Caitlin and Alf are soon to be a couple, and I'm really happy for them cuz Alf's liked Caity for so long and she's never stopped liking him :) good for them
aww jen, are you okay? I know we had that huge talk, but call me if you need to okay?
hmmm... well I just got home from Emma's, and we did nothing all day! We sat on our asses and ate heaps and heaps of food, it was awesome :D
lol for someone that sat on her ass all day I'm hungry... but I'm too lazy to get off my butt so I shall sit here and dream of yummy food!
mmm had chinese last night... mmmm YUMMY
and then Emma and I went to the video store to get a movie lol and pulled innocent faces and smiled a lot and got this video out without having to pay the late fees, how funny!
And Emma's kittens stink.
She's knows what I'm talking about and it is so gross it's not fucking funny! SICK
well all I'm off, I'm too lazy to type anymore..
yes I'm a lazy butt, what's your problem?!