Jun 12, 2004 10:20
good morning to all :)
well I'm at emma's place, it's 10.30 and lil miss em is still happily snuffling away :)
(ya see Emma doesnt snore, she kinda snuffles in her sleep! It's really, really cute! *snuffle snuffle*)
and I've done heaps of things to pass the time... I've gone on MSN, I've had a shower... I've gone back on MSN...
But she's still sleeping...
Maybe I should poke her?
Lol! Alf recommends I "... kick her in the bum bum!"
crazy one that dude :)
well Emma and I managed to save the world last night...
well not really but the few people that stood by him know what we're talking about.
It made us realise who we can rely on to stand up for us when we need them, and that's the most beautiful thing in the world.
Alf says its called faith, and I have to agree.
no offence Michi ;)
heheh emma and michi were swearing at eachother in german last night.. it was hella funny!
YAY! calley is online so I am no longer bored!
later all