Trans_9 Application

Jun 24, 2011 21:46

Character's name: Sandrilene “Sandry” fa Toren
Character's LJ: magic_weaver
Character's canon: Tamora Pierce’s Circle of Magic Series
Sandry is, first and foremost, a very friendly (and therefore often nosy) young woman. She will make friends with anyone she can, with no thought whatsoever of race or rank, and she treats everyone she comes across as an equal. This is partially due to her parents’ constant travels, and the other nobles dislike of her parents’ raising of her. They did not wish to associate their own children with Sandry, and she was left to make friends with anyone she could. This led to her befriending many children below her ranking status, and she learned to stop caring about nobles versus commoners. People are people in her eyes, no matter where they live or how much money they might make. While her easy nature at talking to people and trying to get to know them better puts many people off at first, Sandry’s persistence and strong personality often win them over in the end.

Noble by birth, she is every ounce a young lady. Most of the time she is perfectly poised and elegant, though she has a strong stubborn streak that occasionally get in the way of everything proper. Sandry has a strong distaste for cruel and uncaring people. While she is more prone to settling arguments with words, she will not hesitate to rush into a scuffle if someone--friend or not--needs help. This sometimes leads to trouble, as she doesn’t always look before she leaps, and might throw herself into a situation that is too much for her to handle alone. She is a very stubborn individual, though, and can hold her own for longer than might be expected from the slight girl she is. Her only true fear is that of the dark, due to the traumatizing events of her childhood.

Link to Character History:
Sandry’s history can be found here. I will be pulling her from the middle of The Will of the Empress (the most recent Sandry-book), during her first kidnapping.

Magical Abilities:
Sandry is what most people in her world would refer to as a “stitch-witch,” or thread mage. Her powers revolve around the manipulation of threads and fabrics. As such, she can weave magic into thread as she makes it, or lay spells into already woven fabric. These spells can be as simple as creating a fabric that doesn’t stain or wrinkle, or as complex as a piece of cloth spelled for protection.

In addition to her power over thread, Sandry is also the only mage known to have ever woven pure magic. She has the ability, if allowed, to spin others’ magics together, or to weave them apart if necessary. Because of the events that transpired when she first discovered this ability, Sandry also shares a mental connection with her three foster siblings--Daja, Briar, and Tris--due to their magics being woven together (this also resulted in their shared ability--originally beginning with Tris--to see the magic in others, normally as a silver light). This ability not only serves to make any of the woven magic stronger, but to also map out and fix flaws or leaks in the magic.

It is worth mentioning, though the need will probably not arise on Stacy, that with some toil Sandry is also able to weave Unmagic, a dark and destructive substance from her world. This will probably not be touched upon in-game, unless the mods have some dastardly plans, and then it will be brought up and dealt with accordingly.

Non-magical Abilities of Note:
Even without her magic, Sandry is able to spin and weave regular thread and cloth, and she is also skilled at embroidery. Her noble heritage and upbringing lend to people skills and decision making. She is as much a mage as she is a diplomat.

ooc, trans_9 application

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