luthien82 and
cara_heart tagged me to do this, so here goes:
Weird habits meme
Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I frequently 'meow'. Honestly! Of course, not really in public, just with close friends, but I meow, when I'd otherwise be coursing (which happens a lot). So quite often, when you're sitting in my living room while I'm in the kitchen, you first hear a loud 'Bang!' because I dropped something (which happens often, too), and then you hear me meowing and squeaking. I also meow and pout to get attention. *is an attention-whore*
2. I quite like reading in bed, lying on one side. However, if I'm reading while lying on my right side for some time, and then I get up to get something to drink (or similar), I have to lie down on my left when I come back. Otherwise, I'm extremely uncomfortable, tossing and turning my elbow and shoulder the whole time, without being able to concentrate any more.
3. I'm so restless! When not in a hurry, I don't walk, but dance. To be precise, I always do Samba or Cha Cha Cha moves, I even do a full classic Latin dance turn when I close a door.
4. The way I'm eating sweets is also a little… odd. I always have to figure out which is the best part of the sweet I'm eating, the part where's the most of the chocolate icing or the filling, etc. and then I'm saving that part for last. I also frequently eat marmalade or Nutella directly from the jar.
3. About three times a day I change my clothes. I like to wear clothes that perfectly fit the occasion - even if the 'occasion' is just a movie. I wear narrow slacks and turtlenecks while watching 'A Hard Day's Night', something glittery while watching 'Moulin Rouge', one of my numerous broad scarves draped across my shoulders when I'm preparing a curry, etc.
I suppose I might sound a little bit odd.
Now I have to tag five people. Now then, I tag:
mia_chan and
maxine01. (Hope you guys haven't done this yet!)