Oct 29, 2009 19:38
Well I haven't updated for a bit because I've been ill. Again. This time I managed to catch whatever James had the week before. This may or may not have been swine flu. I seem to have had it in a more concentrated form though. Whereas James had it for over a week I had all the symptoms possible in the space of two days. On Wednesday night I went to bed at 4pm and didn't get out again until 9am the next day having had a permanent headache. Then I had aching muscles, other flu type stuff and then I've been left with a cough that I still had. Rubbish. It meant that my family had to postpone their visit too which was very annoying.
On the Wednesday I went to bed James went to his last LGBT group in Skipton. There was a party and the insanely hyperactive gays from the Bradford group went to as did a few from the Scarborough one. He's not safe to let out alone honestly. As per usual he got a few phone numbers thrust at him (as long as that was the only thing thrust at him). It's shameless! Hilariously one of the Bradford group didn't go because they would have had to have gone straight from work and they didn't want james to see him in his work clothes! Also, Chris who I've met a few times apparently never stops talking about James! Brilliant. I have to say that although I never ever consider myself not good enough for James but when he came home and was telling me about gays fawning over him I did wonder why such a hot guy was with me instead. In my defense though, I wasn't at my best what with me being at death's door. I am very lucky though. I think James is a bit glad of the group finishing. He won't have to travel to Skipton anymore and there aren't always a lot of people there. It's a shame though, he's met some nice people through it.
On Monday my brother came to visit. We had a nice time. On Tuesday we both went to the Eurogamer Expo event at Clarance dock which had loads of games that are coming out for Xmas and talks and stuff on. Most of the games were playable and we got to try out some good stuff. I really want to be able to play the Uncharted games! Boo to that. The new one look stunning. I was talking about motion capture with james today and he said how it doesn't work for film but that game is a perfect example of where it does work. Mario Brothers for the Wii was also great, so much fun. We went to one of the talks - the one for Brink. It was mostly just a demo but the lead games designer was giving the talk and it was interesting to hear what went into the making of a game. It's crazy, there are so many people working on a game, it's just like a film.
To be honest, a lot of the stuff isn't that interesting to me. A lot of same-y FPS games and racing stuff which concentrate on realism as opposed to actual innovation. It especially showed in the over-18 sections that they had. the games there were the most boring! i do wonder if, while the technology of gaming increases, the rest of the gaming industry stays still. Storytelling certainly isn't getting better, nor is script writing. The only place that this is really pushed is in RPGs, especially Japanese games like Final Fantasy. It's for this reaosn that a lot of games just leave me behind. Don't get me wrong, I like playing games but I have to supplement some of my gaming needs with retro gaming, no bad thing. Anyway, moaning aside it was a good day and the tickets were only £6 each. They had a tonne of games there on two sites as well. I've never seen Clarance Dock so busy! jonather had a good day overall too and it was nice to see him.
We watched a few things over the past few days. 'Cockles and Muscles' was a French film which was funny. Apparently it got mixed reviews when it came out but I really enjoyed it, but then I like a lot of French films. I liked it's take of sexuality and humour and classic misunderstandings, a good film. We watched Abigail's Party last night. We've been meaning to watch it for ages after hearing so much about it, and it was very good. Very play like, but then it was a play. But it was all so subtley done and very funny. I really enjoyed it. The ending takes you by surprise though, and I do want to know what happens to Abigail!
I finished reading my QI book about animals. It was very interesting, obviously. I learnt a fair bit actually. I'm not sure what to read next although I have a few magazines and bits to catch up on so maybe I'll do that for a bit.
Today James booked the day off and we went for an unplanned visit to York. York really is lovely in the autumn and it's been ages since we went there. We had a potter around the shops and had our dinner by the river. It was surprisingly busy. I don't even think it was because it was half term, it was probably just because it was York. I bought a jumper from H+M and BBC Wildlife magazine and it comes with the photographer of the year photos which I always love. I don't think I bought much else!
Tonight we carved out a pumpkin. I'm very pleased with him, he's very cute. We haven't thought of a name for him yet though. I'll put a picture up when I load them on here. He's on the balcony and looks in when we have the blinds up, bless him. I actually really like Hallowe'en. Mostly because of the colours though, all dark blues and oranges, my favourite. I love autumn.
I have to mention how good the new Annie album is! I've waited for it for 18 months and it's finally out! A miracle. It's really good though. There's a bit more to it than Anniemal I think, and it's all fun pop stuff done extremely well. I seem to be the only person who likes the Breakfast Song :(
computer games,
my crap body parts,