Oct 05, 2009 10:49
I can't believe that I forgot to mention going to the cinema last Wednesday. We went to see District 9. Despite it being out for over a month the cinema was still nearly packed which was a surprise and I really enjoyed it. It was one of my films that restored my faith in film-making, simply because it wasn't set in America, was done on quite a tight budget and yet still had the best CGI I've ever seen in a film. I was convinced that the 'Prawns' were half CGI, half animatronics but no, they were all CGI. Some of it was quite grim and the 'baddie' was lame, however it was generally really compelling and really well done, I recommend it.
On Friday night we were out as more of James' workmates are leaving. They're dropping like flies. Sarah is off to do her LPC which is a crazy price and sounds incredibly hardcore. It makes my course seem like a cheap walk in the park! And Rich is off to work elsewhere. It seems that Rich and Charlotte are officially an item. They took their sweet time about that, but I'm glad they are, they're such a sweet couple. Charlotte reminds me of Miranda loads and Rich is so dozy. He's not stupid though in the slightest but, yeah, they work well together. Office romances seem to be quite common at James' place, I suppose they're all of a similar age. We started off at The Palace and stayed there for a good while. Silly really as we were having to buy crazy priced wine as all the cheap stuff had gone. Then we went to Smokestack which was a fruity jazz bar. Well, I suppose it was playing motown so maybe not so fruity or jazz. Nice place though. Then it was Fibre, possibly the first 'gay' place we've been to in Leeds, and it's round the corner from our flat too! Lame. James was at a work do the other week with Rich and Greg and they were telling him what a good night out Queen's Court is, adding that it was wrong that two straight guys were telling a gay guy where the good nights out were. We fail at life.
I ended up having my ear talked off by Nat, Ian's girlfriend, for bloody ages! She's one of those people who is really clever and yet still comes across as a bit dim. She's nice enough but I couldn't see myself getting on with that much outside of social situations we're not thrown into together. Life's too short! It was a good night though, even if we didn't get to do any dancing. No matter. We paid for it the next day though. Lack of sleep and too much to drink = not good.
So the weekend was a rather lazy one. We had the misfortune of watching Camp Rock which had rubbish songs, rubbish preachy overtones and rubbish characters. When you start shouting 'throw a potato at her!' or 'stab her in the face' you know it's not good. To remedy this we watched High School Musical 3 - tonnes better. At least it's actually funny. And it wasn't nearly as predictable as it could be. The songs weren't quite as good as the second one though, too many ballads but it was very good overall. Oh, there weren't enough Zefron topless shots either. I'm loath to admit it but he really is very hot. I think he's a good actor too for what it's worth.
Sad news now - our DVD player has packed in. It keeps skipping discs which is damn annoying as we've only had it for two and half years and we use it for reconrding TV stuff too. However, it does mean that we've had to move the Xbox to the living room so at least I can play games on the big TV. Yay! I had to put up with James playing Peggle which I was on the phone to my family last night. I think I'll be seeing all of them by the end of the month. My Mum, Dad and sister might be up in a few weeks and then Jonathan's coming to the computer game convention the week after. Good stuff! Especially as my Dad still hasn't seen the flat. James' Dad hadn't either until yesterday when his family visited. We went for lunch at Bella Italia. I had pasta with sausage in a tomato sauce with peppers. Tasty goodness. This was followed by a Lemon Tart. Om nom nom.
I must mention Chris Packham's controversial comments about letting pandas die out because they're in an evolutionary cul-de-sac. Now I know it's a bit harsh but water his comments down a bit and he's not entirely mad. I mean, the EDGE project lists the top 100 mammals/reptiles that need saving and one of their criteria is that they are evolutionarily unique/valuable. i just thought it was interesting. I really do think though that all government initiatives are gesture. Environmental concern is all so slowly done, it's like nobody really can be arsed to do anything about it. Now I'm not one to bang on about this type of stuff. It is important, but I think that it's the governments job to impose the solutions on us. Still, when they try and do that you get people stockpiling lightbulbs banging on about how they couldn't possibly live with a little less light. Sometimes I think that people deserve their fate. Gah!
damn tasty food,