'Never go to bed without a piece of raw meat'

May 10, 2009 11:10

I must update about my birthday fun. So last Saturday we headed to Tropical World which was brilliant. We got in free as we're Leeds card holders and we got the bus for free as we'd won £6 on the Eurolillions the night before! So it was a good day out in all. We had a nice lunch there which was great and the weather on the whole was really good too. It's good to see that the meerkats have got a bigger enclosure now and the reptile bit is back so we got to see some great animals. It was fairly busy though so I did get very irritated with people banging on the glass at nocturnal animals. Yeah, very big and clever.

After we'd done Tropical World we went arouns Roundhay Park which is really nice, it's just a shame it's so far out of Leeds really. And then after we'd wandered around there we headed back home for a bit. In the evening we went to Little Tokyo which is possibly my favourite restaurant ever. We got served by a great waitress who was trying to teach james how to use chopsticks, not with much success I have to say but she was very niec to him, where as I just laughed at him! I had a duck bento box which is always always amazing, and we had cocktails and I had coconut ice cream for dessert followed by a very strong coffee. James has hot chocolate with rum after and let's just say that it's a good job that he wasn't driving! I had a great day though, really nice.

On Sunday 3rd we headed to Driffield to see some of James' family. It was a good day overall. We stayed with James' grandma for most of the day and saw his cousins, auntie and uncle during the day too. James gets very annoyed with visiting his auntie and uncle and sometimes his cousins too as they never ask us about what we're doing. I can understand his frustration really and I don't even think that it's because there are loads of young kids around now either. You'd just think they'd ask us stuff as they don't see us very often. I don't even think they know that much about me really, well, not stuff they'd have heard straight from me anyway. Anyway, it was a good day. The night not so much as James wasn't very during the night. We still don't know why but it didn't make his birthday (which was the next day) worth celebrating. Poor mister man. I'd even made him nice birthday stuff too.

So yeah, bank holiday Monday wasn't all that fun as we didn't do a lot. We decided to postponed James' birthday for a week! Just as well really as I'm still waiting for one of his presents to cmoe through! I'm still waiting for some cards too (still not got yours yet Lucy) so God knows where it all it is.

In the week I got some of my presents through the very slow post. I got some Xbox360 points from my family and also a bonsai tree set which I'm really pleased with. I've planted two to see how they do and I've saved another two in case things go horribly wrong. It's a slow process but I'm really worried it'll go wrong because they're meant to be difficult to grow. Does anyone have any experience with them as I really want it to go right! We also watched my Librarian: Quest for the Sacred Spear DVD which was brilliantly fun, especially as it had Kyle Maclachlan playing an evil librarian.

Speaking of which, I've found a great job to apply for. It's Harewood Project Archive Assistant which sounds amazing. It's only for six months though and only 15k but it'd be good just to get my foot back in the door. I've been a bit frustratd with work of late, I'm just a bit frustrated that even though I've been out of uni for four years I've never been able to get of the starting block as far as wages are concerned. And I know I'm quite capable of working in a higher paid job, there are plenty of people I work with who are earning more than me and they're no better than me. I guess have risen to 17k but as I'm only working for four days a week it doesn't really count. I just want a better paid job! Is that too much to ask?

While I'm on a work note, OfSTED came this week. Only for a day but as I'm on my own I had to organise the whole thing. It went well but I was in a meeting with them, answering questions and all the time thinking 'why am I still here, I don't want to be in education anymore' so I'd better get another, better job soon.

In other crap news, we're still fighting to get our deposit back from the last house. Turns out it's been sent to our old landlords (nice of them to tell us) and they want to keep £200 of it for carpet cleaning. We need to see the emails and sort it next week so we can tell them to fuck off. It's so unfair and we've been moved out for 8 weeks anyway and we've had to do all of the chasing for it so it could get ugly.

Better stuff now. This weekend's been really nice. Yesterday we went to Leeds City art gallery which we'd never been to before. We ended up spending most of the time on the lower ground floor in the natural life bit which is really great. I ticked off another two prehistorical fossils that I'd always wanted to see off my list as they have a Hypselosaurus dinosaur egg there and a Megaloseros skeleton. The former is the biggest dinosaur egg ever discovered and the latter has the widest skull of any mammel that's ever lived. Strangely, both of these facts were absent from the displays. The reason I originally wanted to go to the museum in the first place was that they were meant to have a computer game retrospective exhibit on which sounded brilliant. However, it wasn't on. We asked about it and apparently they hadn't got enough funding for it which I was saddened by as I was really looking forward to it.

In the evening we went to the cinema to see 'In The Loop' which was very funny. I'm not a big fan of all the swearing though, not because it offends me, just because swearing in itself isn't funny at all but I did enjoy. A three out of five affair really. There's loads of stuff at the cinema we want to see. Hopefully the next week will bring Coroline and Wolverine and then Star Trek a little later when it's got quiter.

Music-wise it's electroclash week this week with new albums from Peaches and Fischerspooner (and I think Miss Kitten although I don't have it). Peaches 'I Feel Cream' is brilliant and it always amazes me that even though she work sin quite rigid template she always does something a little different, she really is a very underated gem. The new Fischerspooner album is really good too, possibly a bit more accessible than there others although that's never been a problem for me.   

work, leeds, job worries, james' family, music, museums, birthday, films, career

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