
Aug 20, 2006 17:12

Continued from here.

Explanations )

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hermionesmagic September 4 2006, 22:22:20 UTC
As Hermione and Rupert sat down, helping themselves to the rest of the Chinese, they looked at each other with grins when the door closed. Rupert shook his head with a laugh and handed her the container of rice.

"They really think they're fooling us?" he asked.

"Probably not," Hermione answered him. She took a bit of her chicken as the bedroom door began to shudder a bit. Letting out a laugh before she could finish swallowing, she picked up a napkin and coughed into it. "Looks like Wesley's defintely getting his turn."

"I think he's been wanting to do that since the two of you spent the night with us a couple of months ago. I can't say that I haven't felt the same as you well know, considering what we did earlier."

She nodded and put the napkin down before taking a sip of water. "I think it was the same for all of us." She glanced over to the door, which continued to shake and smiled softly. "She's got better at control, by the way. We worked through it together a bit."

"That's good. It'll probably help since she's pregnant. I have no idea what effect that'll have on her, so her having more control should make things a bit easier, whatever happens." He paused. "You really want to give up working in the wizarding world to stay here with us?"

"Yes. I haven't felt comfortable there in a long time, Rupert. Not since the battle with Voldemort. Even at Moonstar, even though I wasn't as well known, when people did figure out who I was, I always felt...on display." She put her fork down. "With Fred, I've felt completely accepted and loved just for being me for the first time in a long time. I'm a Witch, but I was raised in the Muggle world and I've found love and a family here - I want to be here."

Reaching out he took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Well, like Fred, I'm glad you're staying then. I do love you, you know."

She smiled. "I love you, too."


crazy_lil_fred September 4 2006, 23:17:16 UTC
The more Wesley pushed into her, the closer Fred felt herself to coming. She buried her head against his shoulder and sucked on the skin, almost marking him. She'd never had sex this before with a man and it was driving her mad. "I'm going to..." she hissed just before her body exploded with an orgasm.

Wesley groaned and soon Fred could feel his warm release fill her up. After a few moments, Wesley carried her to the bed where they cleaned each off and Fred fell back on the bed. "We should do that more often," she said with a laugh.

"Just us or can I do it to Hermione too?" Wesley asked as he ran his fingers over her stomach.

"I'm sure Hermione would like it," she said with a grin.

Wesley gave her a thoughtful look before pulling her up. "You're still scared of Rupert, aren't you?" he asked.

"Not scared just nervous. That sounds really stupid considering I've slept with him but..."

"I understand. He made me nervous when I first met him, He's really a sweet man, Fred. You should spend some time with him. Get dressed and come on," Wesley said as he put his boxers on.

Fred put her clothes back on and went out to the living room with Wesley. He stood by the table and smiled. "I think we need to spend some time together, but separately. Hermione and I should find something to do, and Fred and Rupert can do something together. Maybe I can talk Hermione out to the bluffs and Fred and Rupert can stay here or find something to do. What do you think?"


hermionesmagic September 6 2006, 02:11:07 UTC
Hermione and Rupert looked up from the remains of their food when Wesley and Fred came out of the bedroom. Both of them looked a bit flushed, causing Rupert to glance over at Hermione with a grin.

When Wesley mentioned his suggestion to them, Hermione looked over at Fred. "I...I think that would be...nice," she said, knowing that even though she quite liked Wesley and they had shagged the once, she still didn't really know him.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea," Rupert said with a smile. "Perhaps if you're feeling better, Fred, we could go out and get some ice cream."

Wesley smiled and nodded, and Hermione could see that he knew as well as she that Fred loved ice cream. She looked at her girlfriend and leaned over to kiss her.

"You promise to call if you need me, though, okay?" she asked softly, stroking her face.


crazy_lil_fred September 6 2006, 04:03:16 UTC
Fred's face broke out into a grin when Rupert mentioned ice cream. She had to wonder if it was just a lucky guess on his behalf, or if Wesley had told him about her love of ice cream. "Ice cream sounds good," she said before Hermione leaned over and kissed her. "If anything happens, I'll call you. I promise."

After Hermione and Wesley left, Fred turned around and gave Rupert a shy smile. She suddenly wondered why she'd agreed to this. There wasn't anything she could possibly talk about with him. "Since Wesley took the Jeep, perhaps we can find an ice cream parlor close by?" Rupert suddenly asked. "I don't know where any are."

"There isn't any close by but there's a store about a block away. We can get the ice cream there," she said.

Rupert agreed and soon they were walking to the store. "If I remember right, weren't you thinking of doing a paper about blood diseases and vampires?" Rupert asked after they'd leave the store, armed with five different flavors of ice cream and ice cream cones.

Fred shrugged. "I was going to but then I thought about the research. It'd be too hard to find vampires as test subjects. I could probably get some with the promise of money or fresh blood, but it seemed like too much trouble," she said as they stepped inside the apartment building. "I'm doing a paper on string theorem now."

"Oh?" Rupert asked as he unlocked the door. "I didn't know that."

"No one does. You're the first person I've told," she said, finally relaxing. Rupert wasn't that bad and was actually really sweet. "Think you can keep it a secret? I don't want to jinx it."

"Of course," Rupert softly said as he pulled out the ice cream scooper. "I'm glad we're doing this, Fred. I've been under the impression I frighten you." He scooped a couple scoops of chocolate ice cream into a bowl and handed it to her.

"Well, you kind of do. Well, did. You aren't so bad," Fred said with a grin.

"Thank you," he said motioned toward the sofa before sitting down. Fred sat down beside him and he slipped an arm around her. "Is there anything you want to ask me about my life?"

"You can tell me whatever you want. I like listening to others talk," Fred said.

"All right then, love," Rupert said as he kissed Fred's temple as she snuggled close to him.


hermionesmagic September 7 2006, 03:27:21 UTC
Heading out to the Jeep with Wesley, Hermione climbed into the passenger seat, looking over at her friend's...lover's...Rupert's husband...her lover...Wesley. It was a bit confusing in a way, their new arrangement.

"Bit strange at times, isn't it?" Wesley asked. "We're not exactly the usual sort of relationship. At least not when it comes to how society view things."

"We not even usual for the wizarding world," Hermione told him with a laugh. "That should definitely tell you something."

He nodded. "Given what I know through the Council, it does." He glanced over at her after turning a corner. "I was...I was working at Council Headquarters when word of the final battle with Voldemort filtered through from the Ministry of Magic. They wanted the Council's help to make sure the demon world didn't try to take advantage of the situation."

Hermione nodded, leaning her head back against the seat and looking at him. "Rupert came back to England to see me after that. It...it was a difficult time."

"I'm sure it was," he said softly. "We do have something in common, though, you know."

"You mean, besides loving Rupert and Fred?" she asked with a laugh.

He chuckled and nodded his head, pulling onto the the road that would lead up to the bluffs. "Besides that. From what I've gathered, we were both considered the insufferable know-it-alls at our schools."

Hermione chuckled. "Always the first to raise my hand."

"Read most of the books before I started each term," he shot back as he reached the Bluffs and parked the car.

"Finished almost all of my work the night it was assigned."

"Ten O.W.L.s."

He opened the car door and got out. "Ten C.S.E.s."

"Prefect for my house," she said as she joined him.

"Same here."

"Would have been Head Girl."

"Was Head Boy."

Hermione laughed and gave him a hug. "I think you win."

Grinning, Wesley led her over to the point overlooking the ocean and sat down, drawling Hermione down with him. It was a beautiful night, clear with lots of stars.

"It's prety out here," she said, leaning against him as he put his arm around her.

"Thought you might like it." He paused and smiled. "Can I ask you some questions about the wizarding world? I only know what I've been told through the Council, so you can imagine what that's like."

She nodded and looked up into his blue eyes through his glasses. No wonder Rupert loved him so much. "Of course."


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