
Aug 20, 2006 17:12

Continued from here.

Explanations )

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crazy_lil_fred August 21 2006, 01:23:36 UTC
Fred stuck her tongue out at Wesley when he made his comment. She wanted to tell him she rubbed Hermione a lot but then her girlfriend started to talk so she wrapped her free arm around her and listened as she ate her cookies. She really didn’t think she needed to say since Hermione had pretty much covered it all.

“Didn’t Angel see the First a few years ago?” Wesley asked as he picked up his glasses and put them on.

“He did. It showed up as his former victims,” Rupert said as he stood from the bed and slipped his boxers on. “Even Jenny…” He shook his head and headed out to the living room to call Buffy.

“Who’s Jenny?” Fred asked, looking at Wesley and Hermione.

“Oh, Jenny Calendar. Rupert and he had dated for a while. She was from the gypsy clan who’d cursed Angel with a soul. When Angel became Angelus again, she was working on a way to put his soul back in but he killed her and…” Wesley looked out into the living room at Rupert and sighed. “He snapped her neck and left her body in Rupert’s bed.”

“Poor Rupert,” Fred quietly said. She moved closer to Hermione as Wesley nodded his head.

“I think I’m going to go sit with him,” Wesley said as he put his own boxers back on and left the room.

Fred frowned and pull Hermione down to the bed with her. “I hope I never find you like that,” she whispered as she nuzzled again her girlfriend’s neck.


hermionesmagic August 22 2006, 01:55:31 UTC
When Fred moved closer, Hermione wrapped an arm around her, looking toward the door that Rupert had just gone through, letting out a little sigh. She knew that even though her friend had found what he wanted and needed in Wesley, a part of him would still always grieve for the woman he had lost after so short a time together. She had lost Ron around the same time, and she remembered how both of them had leaned on each other at the time, both of them grieving.

Turning to her girlfriend, she let her pulled her down onto the bed and wrapped her arms tightly around her, holding her close. "I hope I never find you like that either," she whispered, trying to hold back tears at the memories. "I couldn't bare it if I lost you, Fred. Not after..."

She swallowed deeply and pulled back slightly, pressing her hand to Fred's cheek. "I love you so much," she whispered. "What happened tonight...that's never ever going to change how I feel about you. Rupert means the world to me, as does Wesley, but you will always be my dearest love."

Leaning forward, she captured Fred's lips with her, teasing her mouth open to kiss her deeply, skin pressing against skin as her hand ran over over her back and bum.


crazy_lil_fred August 22 2006, 04:32:22 UTC
"I love you too," Fred whispered as she stroked Hermione's face. "You'll always be my first, and only deep love. I love Wesley, and part of me loves Rupert but they won't ever compare to what I feel for you. Never doubt my love for you, sweetie. In the end, it'll be us, together."

When Hermione started to kiss her, Fred's hands moved up and cupped Hermione's breasts, her thumbs brushing over her nipples. She slid her tongue over her girlfriend's and moaned. She sensed someone was in the room with them and she opened one of her eyes. Wesley and Rupert were in the doorway, watching them.

We have company. Lets give them a show.

Running her hand down, she nudged Hermione's legs apart and caressed her wet folds. She broke the kiss when she heard one of the boys groaned. Looking over at them, she smirked. "Enjoying the show?" she asked them as her thumb rubbed Hermione's clit.

"Y-Yes," Wesley croaked out.

"Gonna repay the favor?" Fred asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think we can do that," Rupert said as he pulled Wesley over to the bed so they could watch Fred pleasure her girlfriend.


hermionesmagic August 23 2006, 02:34:51 UTC
"I'll never doubt you," Hermione told her. "You're too much a part of me now."

Gasping softly when Fred's hand teased her breats, Hermione started running her hand down over her girlfriend's back to cup her bum, squeezing gently, pulling her closer. She was so caught up that she didn't notice Wesley and Rupert come into the room until she received Fred's thought.

When she did, she opened her eyes and smiled against Fred's lips. Not so long ago, she would have been embarrassed at someone walking in on an intimate moment, but after having had sex with both men and seeing them have sex with her girlfriend, she definitely couldn't feel that way anymore. In fact, it was a little bit exciting.

So she opened her legs for Fred, leaning back against the bed, her head falling back. She moaned softly, feeling that familiar energy edged with want building up in her. She felt the bed shift as Rupert and Wesley joined them and, knowing they were watching, reaching over and starting rubbing Fred's nipples before raising her head slightly so she could take one in her mouth. Her hand then traced down to Fred's core, rubbing her and dipping into her.

"Oh god, Fred," she whispered softly, feeling herself tightening up as her hips moved against her fingers. "What's was that about you rubbing off on me earlier?"


crazy_lil_fred August 23 2006, 04:11:07 UTC
Fred could feel the energy build up as she touched, and rubbed Hermione. She wanted it to be just them so she pushed it down and concentrating on pleasing her girlfriend while the boys watched. When she felt Hermione's fingers dip into her, Fred let out a groan and started to rub her love even harder. "Love you so much, Hermione," she whispered.

She was getting close and could feel her body start to tighten. When Hermione made her comment, Fred snorted. "I think I rub you more than rub off on you," she said with a giggle. "Have to excuse Wesley - he was recovering from the awesome sex we'd just given him. He wasn't thinking straight."

Suddenly, Fred felt someone's hand on her hip and she smirked. "No touching, Wesley," she groaned as she felt herself starting to tighten up again.

"I-I..." he stumbled.

"Give it up, love. You were caught," Rupert whispered.

Fred opened her mouth to say something but couldn't as a flash of white light exploded behind her eyes. She cried out Hermione's name as an orgasm racked her body, making her shudder with pleasure.


hermionesmagic August 24 2006, 02:37:01 UTC
Hermione let out a low groan when Fred's fingers began to press against her harder, and she began rocking her hips. Feeling her girlfriend moving against her as she made love to her with her fingers aroused her as much as the energy that was currently flowing between them. She knew that she wasn't going to last too much longer and started rubbing her thumb against Fred's clit as her fingers continued to thrust.

The energy dipped a bit with Wesley touched them, but then gained in strength again just as she felt Fred begin to clench around her fingers. A moment later, she felt her body tense, and she let out a strained gasp as she began to tremble.

When she opened her eyes, she looked into Fred's, smiling and leaning forward to kiss her. Next to them, she could feel the bed shifting, and when they parted, she turned her head to see both Wesley and Rupert obviously very turned on by what they had just witnessed.

"I believe Fred said something about returning the favor?" Hermione asked.

Rupert nodded, his hand running down his husband's arm. "I believe she did," he replied before pushing Wesley's boxers down over his hips. He then got rid of his and took the other man's cock in his hand, smiling as he started pumping slowly and firmly. "How much of a show should we give them, love?"


crazy_lil_fred August 24 2006, 04:52:34 UTC
Fred grinned at her girlfriend and licked her fingers cleaned. She too felt the shift on the bed and sat up to watch the men beside her. She chewed on her bottom lip as Rupert stroked Wesley and Wesley reached over to do the same to his husband.

"I think this is enough, don't you? We wouldn't want them to pass out from over stimulation," Wesley said, giving the girls a cheeky grin.

Fred moved back and snuggled against Hermione and watched. It was beautiful to watch Rupert and Wesley pleasure each other like this. She could see the love in their eyes for each other as their hands pumped each other's cock. A soft groan left her mouth as she wondered what it would be like to taste them and have them in her mouth. Maybe someday she would find out.

Their pumping quickened and their groans became louder. She could tell they were close to coming and she felt herself throb. With strangled cries, both men came, their release spraying on each other's hands. "That was...hot," Fred murmured as she watched them catch their breaths.

"Thank you, love," Rupert panted as Wesley handed him a tissue and they cleaned each other off.

Fred snuggled against Hermione and pulled her down on the bed. She knew she wasn't ready for sex again, at least not yet, but being there with the four of them was good enough.


hermionesmagic August 25 2006, 01:51:44 UTC
"Are you sure you read through everything in Blackwell's Scroll?" Rupert was asking.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sat back, rubbing the back of her neck. "No, Rupert. I just spent all day pouring over 18 feet of scroll and decided to skim. You know me better than that."

Nodding, he looked over at her. "You're right. I'm sorry. This is just..."

"It's frustrating all of us, love," Wesley told his husband, reaching over to rub his shoulders.

With a soft sigh, Hermione looked over at her girlfriend. He's right. This is, isn't it?. For the last two months, they had been trying to find more information on the First while there had been more sightings in Sunnydale, including Dawn's high school. No one seemed to know why, except possibly for Spike, a vampire Hermione had heard about from Rupert a few times. He had appeared at the school, Buffy had said, speaking in riddles and half-crazed - apparently imbued with a soul.

And at the Hyperion, things weren't much better. Groo had left because he had felt that Cordelia was more involved with Connor and Angel, and that her place was with them. But at the same time, Angel didn't seemed to notice Cordy was there most of the time as he was involved in Connor's reintroduction to the world. Plus Rupert didn't particularly like being around Angel.

All in all, things were a bit weird and tense.

"Maybe we should take a break," Hermione said, not quite believing that she was the one suggesting that they stop working and researching.


crazy_lil_fred August 25 2006, 02:48:08 UTC
Fred was tired and cranky. She was tired of looking at books and taking notes and hearing about the stupid First. She had the book propped up in front of her and was about to doze off when she heard Hermione's voice in her head. Dropping the book, she gave her a weird look and then stretched.

"A break sounds wonderful," Wesley said as he stood from the table. "Anyone want anything? Rupert? Hermione? Fred?"

"I'm pregnant!" Fred suddenly blurted out. Once the words left her mouth, she groaned. "I..."

"What?" Wesley and Rupert both asked at the same time.

Fred took a deep breath. "I haven't been feeling well for the past two weeks and I've been really tired and my power with Hermione has been waning. I went to the doctor yesterday and I'm pregnant. I guess the practice run was the real run even though we didn't know it was the real run."

"You're pregnant?" Rupert asked, his eyes wide. Fred nodded.

"We're going to be parents?" Wesley asked with tears in his eyes.

"Yes," Fred said, her bottom lip quivering. "I wanted to tell you someplace special and I had it all planned out but I couldn't wait." She sniffled and looked at Hermione. "I was going to take you to Disneyland but I ruined it!" She buried her face in her hands and leaned against her girlfriend.


hermionesmagic August 26 2006, 01:53:43 UTC
For a moment, Hermione was stunned at Fred's announcement - she knew that this was what they had been planning on happening with Rupert and Wesley, but she hadn't expected it to happen so soon. It was...amazing.

And when Fred started crying, she immediately wrapped her arms around her love, holding tightly and kissing her temple and cheek. "You did no such thing! Oh, love, this is the most wonderful news, no matter how you told us."

"I agree," Wesley said as Rupert nodded, and suddenly, the two girls found themselves in the middle of an embrace from both men.

"You're giving us--all of us a child," Rupert told Fred, resting his head against her. "That makes it special, and honestly, given everything, hearing this good news now has done me a world of good."

"Can we still go to Disneyland though?" Wesley asked with a grin.

As Rupert chuckled at his husband and shook his head, Hermione leaned over and kissed her girlfriend for several moments before pulling back and looking into her eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't notice," she whispered, stroking her face. "But I meant what I said two months ago - I'm going to be there with you every step of the way. I promise."


crazy_lil_fred August 26 2006, 04:55:07 UTC
Fred closed her eyes and held onto her girlfriend. When she felt Rupert and Wesley on either side of her, she sighed. Everything was going to be okay. She knew that. "I...I know," she quietly said. She laughed when Wesley asked if they could still go to Disneyland. "Yes. I even got us a room there. It'll be a little vacation."

Suddenly she felt Hermione's lips on hers and Fred felt herself getting lost in her girlfriend's touch. When she heard someone clear their throat behind her, Fred pulled back and looked at Wesley and Rupert. "What?" she asked, giving them a grin.

"Do we get a turn?" Rupert asked.

Fred nodded and stood from the table. Rupert softly cupped her a soft kiss as Wesley moved over to Hermione. Fred was so caught up in the kiss that she didn't know what Wesley and her girlfriend was doing. When Rupert finished, Wesley and him switched places and she was then kissing the other man.

When the kissing finished, Fred sat down at Rupert and Wesley did the same. "I think we should have a chat about our relationship. I mean the one between the four of us. It's rather obvious we've become close over the past two months - closer than we were before and I would like to keep that, plus take it to another level," Rupert said, looking at all of them. "Nothing is going to change the deep love I feel for Wesley, and I'm sure you two girls feel the same about each other. I'll admit that my feelings for the two of you have grown and I love you and I want to be able to show that love - out here and in the bedroom."

Fred nodded and held Hermione's hand. "I feel the same way. I want all of us to be close," she said, nodding her head.


hermionesmagic August 26 2006, 18:46:49 UTC
When she and Fred parted, Hermione stepped back, expecting to simply watch as Wesley and Rupert kissed her girlfriend. After all, she was the one carrying the child of one of them. But as Rupert stepped up and lowered his head to Fred's for a kiss, she felt a tug on her arm, and a moment later, she was in an embrace with Wesley.

"We're all going to be parents," he whispered happily.

"I know," she told him.

"Thank you for this. It's as much because of you as because of Fred," he said before lifting her up slightly in his arms and kissing her.

When they parted, Hermione found her head spinning a little. Suddenly, she became aware of Rupert in front of her and smiled. He didn't say anything - not having to. He just leaned down and kissed her. Neither of them had ever expected anything like this to have happened between this after knowing each other for so long.

So when Rupert mentioned the relationship between the four of them once they sat down again, she wasn't at all surprised. Wrapping her hand around her girlfriend's, she would have known Fred felt the same way without her having to say it. Neither of them had been able to forget that night with the two men, not with all the time they had spent together since.

"I think it's something we all want," Hermione said softly, giving them a smile. "The three of you are the ones who now mean the most to me in this world, and I like the idea of us being...together."

Wesley nodded. "Rupert and I...we've found a house we think we want to buy. It needs a little work, but it's quite large, and I think it's perfect for the four of us and the baby. That is to say...Rupert and I would very much like the two of you to move in with us."

Hermione's eyes widened, and she looked over at her girlfriend, squeezing her hand tighter. "I think...I think that would be a marvelous idea. What do you think, love?"


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