(no subject)

Jan 13, 2006 21:52

To: quote_the_raven@tmpf.ne.jp
From: cloverfeathers@edoka.edu.jp
Date: January 13, 2006. 22:06 (GMT+0900)
Subject: Re: Hello!

Of course you can call me a friend, I have full intention of being one to you. One who actually sees things eye to eye with me is very rare. You've made me laugh more times in one night than anyone else I have yet met.

Your anonymous request is not as odd as it seems. Many people like to let go on the internet by not being their real selves. And of course, there are things I wish to seclude as well. : ) So I accept your agreement wholeheartedly. In that spirit, is there anything you would like to get out the way beforehand, protected by such anonymousity?

Your Friend (Very much so)
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