Aug 02, 2005 06:54
So, (a little back story here) my lisence was suspended back in March, because I'm an idiot and didn't pay the right fees on my renewal. Back in October '04. Yes. I know. It's bad.
So, I go to DMV, pay appropriate said fees, get issued temporary liscence.. this was in May. yes it took me that long because I am that broke.
So... it expired last month. ( I forgot) I get pulled over last night for a broken headlight, and 15 minutes later after he said he was writing a citation, he says I have 2 Two. TWO!!!! suspensions on my record for my lisence and that he would have to take me to jail. WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. But then he said that because I was honest about everything that he asked me that night he would let me go. But still impound my truck. FUCKING BASTARD. Oh well. I got to sleep in my own bed last night.
But NOW, theres a possibility that they can keep my truck up to 30 mother fucking days!!!! And he gave me a goddam court date too. Mother Fucker. I need to know what the hell DMV is doing with my driving record. How the hell can it go from being legit, legal, and current, back to suspended after it expired?? And what the hell is the other suspension for?? Honestly the cop felt bad for me I think, but yeah, still searched me and asked if I had weapons on me. Whatever. Ma'am keep your hands out of your pockets. What the hell do I look that dangerous?? Jesus Christ. I felt like asking him "Are you high?!?"
Ugh. will update more later. Gotta go to work.