(no subject)

May 14, 2010 19:48

 Good Day! How are you all doing?

- So, precisely one week ago I saw Lady Gaga live. It was amazing. She was stunning and the show was spectacular and it all kinda blew my mind away. Our seats were pretty high up and it was weird being at a concert sitting down. It worked because of all the theatrical stuff, we could really see the stage and the dancers and all that stuff. But I don't think I'll ever get seats again if I can help it, especially not going to more rock-type concerts. But Gaga was amazeballs, for reaaal.

- I'm taking driving lessons! I had my first one last Tuesday and my next one is this week and aaaah. Driving is hard, yo! And time consuming! I have to practice so much with my dad D:. All this to get a driving license that I doubt I'll use much.

- I had my tongue pierced today. Almost 8 hours ago now! It feels really weird in my mouth lol. But I like it! The piercing didn't hurt much, but my tongue is a little bit swollen right now and eating is tricky.

Also, HELLO to all the new people form the Johnny Weir friending meme!

lady gaga, my boring life, concerts

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