My unicorn is more heterosexual looking that yours!

Mar 16, 2010 00:17

I got back from my skiing trip yesterday! I had so much fun! But ouch, all my poor muscles that I don't normally use :(. I spent some time today going trough my f-list and catching up on everything I've missed. The biggest most amazingest thing that has happened:


JEMI IS REAL OMG OMG. Demi actually confirmed it, being all adorable. And in love. With Joe. Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day... Gosh, I hope it lasts! Forever and ever! I want Jemi babies! In the meantime, wallpaper:

And one of Stéphane Lambiel that I made a while ago:

- So I haven't really been keeping up with The Young Veins and their music, but I hear Jon sings some songs? I love that! I can't be bothered youtubing live performances, but I'm exited about their album!

I want Ryan Ross and Evan Lysacek to meet and have epic conversations in monotone. Baby!Evan's monotone is stupid. And cute. Ehum...

the young veins, demi lovato, jonas brothers, evan lysacek, art: wallpapers

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