The day breaks and everything is new

Mar 08, 2010 22:55

 - I have tickets to Gaga. YEAH.

- Saw Alice in Wonderland a few nights ago and I enjoyed it very much. It's a fun movie and every character was superbly done and very likable  ♥

- I am starting to take a liking to Evan Lysacek. I don't find his face particularly attractive and I don't like half of the things that come out of his mouth, but he's weirdly adorable. And fic where he's sort of an idiot and where Johnny's in charge are adorable as well as hot.

Johnny/Evan rec:
Siamese Fighting Fish by tyrannicides - NC-17, powerplay; This is one of the hottest fics I've ever read and by far my favorite in the fandom right now. It's painful and broken and beautiful and god, it just really caught hold of my heart. Incredibly well done! GO READ IT. 

movies, recs, evan lysacek, johnny weir

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