This is a post about Ola Salo

Feb 21, 2010 01:15

- BREAK. OMFG THANK YOU. One week off school! *dances*

I saw a documentary on Ola Salo yesterday. He's the lead singer and songwriter of The Ark and he's had a huge influence on me. He's probably the one person who's influenced me the most, both musically and otherwise.

He's so freaking WEIRD but WONDERFUL. I am amazed at how he's gone from this:

To this:

Woah, looking feminine there! 


I love his face in this one:


And I already have all of The Ark's albums uploaded, so I might as well link:

We Are The Ark (my favorite)
In Lust We Trust 
State Of The Ark 
Prayer For The Weekend

eta: I just have so many ~feelings when it comes to this man. I don't consider myself an avid fan (anymore). I don't keep up with everything he's doing. When someone asks what kind of music I'm into, I don't even mention The Ark. Still, looking at a lot of the music I listen to, it's not that far from the pop they make. Looking at how I like my boys (with makeup, androgynous, with some quy-on-quy action), it's really not far from Ola. And I know he changed my view so much on sexuality and gender. SO YEAH, I KIND OF LOVE HIM. A LOT. And I will always buy their music, and I will always go to their shows. They are the band I've seen live most times.

the ark, hawt damn, picspam

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