
Jul 31, 2009 14:01

Today I had blueberry cake for breakfast, a delicious chanterelle sandwich for lunch, and soon we'll be celebrating my dad's birthday with more cake. Yum!

So, I got home from Krakow, Poland 2 days ago! Now it's time for pictures. (woooo!)

Eating a chicken kebab on the first day!

A dragon breathing real fire, ahah.

On day 2 my sister joined us. So there we are.

At a market with loads of fruit and vegetables and stuff. That's my mother!

We visited a salt mine, pretty far underground and it had statues made of salt.

My sister, me, and my mom. It was a lovely day.

Eating ice cream and drinking beer! (looks like I was having fun)

That's my father to the left.

And then it was time to go home!

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