Turn right, into my arms

Jun 06, 2009 15:15

- GUH, why do clips and songs always have to leak? Clips of every single song on JB new record. I don't know, man. I wish I could keep myself from listening. I want the entire record in my hand and listen to all of it at the same time, to get the feel of the whole album the way they made it. But I can't keep myself from listening to the clips! And I love them! This album sounds so GOOD. I don't think I could get anymore excited! I love Turn Right, and Before the Storm. Nick and Miley <3

- I had my last day of school yesterday. Hello, summer.

- And I saw Star Trek 2 days ago! Man, that was awesome! I have never been a Star Trek fan, but the movie was fun and great! Zachary Quinto is so damn intense all the time, I just want to see him in a cheesy romcom, to see what that'd be like. 

jonas brothers, zachary quinto, music

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