(no subject)

May 07, 2009 18:55

 Benton Paul has really charmed me lately. I wish someone would write Benton/Joe, that'd be so totally sweet.

Or um, one where Benton wrote I onle see you for Joe! Because Joe seems so in love with that song and all. (Let's just ignore that he sings "girl" in it once. Or maybe he calls Joe girl. Maybe Joe likes it. )

Me and my friends are such huge dorks! Yesterday me and Elin were leaving the classroom and we said "Let's get out of this bitch town!" and then went "Ooooh, ttsssss" and touched our fingers together. (That first quote is by Jon from Panic at the Disco. And the second one is from those mean girls in Hannah Montana. Yah, we're lame. I love her.)

And to prove that I am even MORE of a dork; My mom bought me more Harry Potter stuff yesterday. A Harry Potter colouring book, and those plastic stickers thar you can put on class and other shiny surfaces! And a poster of Harry from the first movie! God,  you wouldn't even believe me if I told you how many HP-related things I have in my room.

I think my mom hopes I'ill go back to fangirling HP again, she dosn't like Hannah Montana at all! Especially not when I send her up to the tv in my room 'cause we only have Disney Channel on the tv in the living room!

In other news: I saw Milk at the cinema yesterday. It's Spring Pride in my city this weekend, I'm pretty sure that's the reason they showed it. I loved it, it was a really great move. We were alone in our theatre except for two terribly annoying 12-year-old boy's. I don't get why they were even there, they chatted throughout the entire movie and made disgusted noises whenever there was a gay kiss! I hate them, grr. Luckily, they left in the middle of the movie..

I'm staying up late to watch the Jonas Brothers live chat on facebook tonight! I'm sacrificing my sleep here, they better be freaking funny! And Paranoid better be GOOD, although I'm sure it will be because I love the previews! Iih, I'm excited!

jonas brothers, i am a dork, harry potter, movies, i love my friends

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