Berlin adventures

Apr 20, 2009 18:21

yenetaitagged me for the 8 days of happy meme again, so I figured I should at least finish the one I was doing, heh. Let's see then...

Day 5, thursday: Leaving for Germany, that was fun! I can't remember anything else, ahha.

Day 6: In Berlin. We went on a bike tour with Fat Tire. It was great, I've never been on a bike tour before! I felt very touristy! Our guide was named Mike and he was really funny, kept throwing in little jokes in the middle of things. I also got birthday presents from my dear sister.

Day 7: We ate at an italian restaurant and I drank wine. I can legally drink in Germany, I felt like such a grown up!

Day 8, yesterday: We went to a huge flee market! It was a sunny day and I bought a scarf, a cute pair of earrings and some Harry Potter stuff! Picture:

I literally cannot walk past Harry Potter merch and not buy anything! I have to have it! Some people think it's a tragedy that its such a huge merchandise and that they're getting sick of Harry Potter. Nu-uhhh, I say, there can never be too much Potter! NEVER!

And aren't those earrings adorable? It's little cars! I'll have little toy cars dangling from my ears! :D

harry potter

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