Title: The Love Below
Characters: L/Mello/Near; this chapter is Near-centric
Rating: M
Word Count: ~5,000
Spoilers: For now, Mello and Near's real names. Possibly others along the way.
Summary: Mello and Near are competing for L's title. Are they also competing for his love?
Chapter Twelve - Waiting Game )
Comments 9
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Yes, I think L is feeling the pressure now. XD Things will definitely be happening in next chapter.
Mello's outfit makes me giggle as well. It's just so...flamboyant. You can see where he's getting the inspiration for all the leather in canon. :D
Exclamation points are good! Reject the advice of popular television: never curb your enthusiasm. :)
Aww, the poor kids... And poor L too, he must be horrifically confused right now! I would hate to be in his position, especially as he really doesn't get why they like him.
Mello's makeover makes me smile... Especially Near's little thought on Mello's vanity. x3
I look forward to the next chapter!
(I hope this review makes sense... It's past one in the morning at the moment and I'm really tired and actually have to get up tomorrow morning but screw it; I have waited too long for this next chapter to simply go to bed and not read or review! xD)
Oh man, I feel for L, I really do. The poor guy's got so much on his plate. Something's gotta give.
As for Mello's new look, I agree with Near. XD I've always felt he was pretty into his appearance, painting his nails and wearing leather pants and all in canon. Not that I can complain, of course...
Thanks so much for the review, it makes perfect sense. And thank you for staying up late to leave it! *hugs*
L called me from death and left a message for you:
“T_T もっとはやく書いて下さいませんか。”
L will feel better soon! I'm going to try to get this next chapter out more quickly than the last. :)
I love Near in this chapter. The way he thinks about everything so analytically, and yet he's still just a preteen boy...And Mello's new style made me all happy inside, especially imagining L's reaction to it. xD
You (Near?) really hit the nail on the head bout L being both extremely proud and extremely humble. I can see why they both are in love with him. And they both hugged him, awwwwww! Can't wait to see what happens in their next encounter.
Thank you thank you thank you! I'm glad you're liking the boys. Near and Mello are both so cute, and in such different ways. *squishes them*
I'm glad you agree about L's pride/humility. He really strikes me as a wonderful mixture of both: so cocky one minute and so self-effacing the next.
Thanks again for the kind words, and hopefully you won't be left hanging too long. :)
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