
May 06, 2008 14:01

I'm not really sure if I'm up for the challenge. After the crazy weekend, I got one day off, today.
I spent all day cleaning and doing laundry, and I have hardly touched the list of things I wanted to get accomplished. I need to get into the yard and pick up all that crud - and that's going to have to be done like early in the morning - possibly Thursday, because on the next schedule that's my only day off.  It puts me at working approximately 56 hours a week, give or take.  Somehow I only ended up with 54 this week, but I don't want to go in to make up those two hours that I'm supposed to work as a manager trainee. Ugh. The money's good though - on a 40 hour week the first week, I made $400. Anything else is just butter, right? So the paychecks are good, I think if I do keep up this pace I'll be clearing close to $2000 a month.  That's more than I've ever made.  Even when I worked for RJ Reynolds. It's grueling, mentally though.  I mean, I'm used to the physical, I've worked as a waitress for more than ten years, and when I'm at work, I WORK. My feet burn when I get off. But this is different, I'm still doing the physical - a lot more cooking now than before, but I'm cool with that, I like the switchup.  The mental though, everything you have to remember and there's several tasks that HAVE to be done every single day, plus covering when people are going to be late or call out, or when someone wants to have drama at work....and then there's all the bickering that goes on, and they ALL come to you. OY.
Naw, actually, though I've worked all day at home, I feel pretty good, I feel like I can do it all over again. I just get tired, like, yesterday, Tony told me if I came in today it would really throw my paycheck over the edge - and I couldn't make myself do it, I just needed to be away from the place today.
And then, at 1:30, he realizes he doesn't have a second shift cook. I was so down about it, but I was going to do it, I was about to get into the shower when he called back and said he found a cook. Boy was I relieved.  Because that would have been a split - and I have to be in the unit at around 6AM, ugh.
So this is why I haven't had much to blog about. All I've done is work.
However, when I got my paycheck Friday, I did go shopping, and even made my first YouTube video.  I hate it, and I don't know how the hell people edit with Windows Movie Maker.  I can't do it. Plus, I can hear a lisp - I can only assume I was still suffering from all that dental work, because I can't hear it now. However, if you feel like checking out my little haul video, you can click here. Ignore the hair - it was wild, and I couldn't even think of taming it with a headband - they give me headaches. Oh - I ended up with a Ralph fragrance, like I mentioned previously, but it wasn't the one I was thinking of, it was Ralph Wild instead.  Which is really yummy.
And that's all for now. I placed a huge order (for me, anyway) at, which has not shipped yet, so I'm waiting anxiously on that.
I think I'll be trying out Medusa's Makeup next, I want those gorgeous pigments.

makeup, work

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