Name: Caitriona
Stamped as:
Regular - Eowyn & Princess Leia
Avatar - Grace
Fantasy 2000's - Yvaine & Jesse Tuck
X-Men - Jean Grey & Archangel
Fellowship - Aragorn
Firefly - Inara & Book
Genre - I got FIVE! (Fantasy Action/High Fantasy/SF Space Opera/SF Adventure/SF Drama)
Would you prefer a [ ] female [ ] male [ ] don’t care or [ X ] both stamps?
getting to know you
Positive characteristics: Honest, faithful, empathic, family oriented
Negative characteristics: In my own world/loner, somewhat disorganized
Neutral characteristics: Stubborn, opinionated, sarcastic
Favorite things: Reading, internet, fan fiction, mochas, sleeping in
Dislikes: Dishonesty, political correctness, spiders
What is your least favorite fantasy movie from the list? Don't know...Eight Legged Freaks I suppose
this or that
Pick one or the other; or both; or neither, just explain!
Brave/Safe: Safe - I prefer to be safe, but I will be brave when it comes to the sticking point. I'm not going to sit back and let something evil go on without resisting.
Leader/Follower: Reluctant leader - when no one else (or at least no one good) is standing up to lead, I will.
Proud/Humble: I really wish I were more humble. I'd like to be a "behind-the-scenes" kind of hero.
Compassionate/Insensitive: Compassionate I hope. I never want to stop feeling empathy for people.
Intellectual/Physical: Intellectual - brute force is helpful, but it will not solve everything.
Fighter/Lover: Both - if you are unwilling to fight for what you love, can you really say you love?
Thinker/Doer: Thinker...I wish I were more of a doer, but...
Gentle/Callous: Gentle - unless some tough love is needed
Optimistic/Pessimistic/Idealistic/Realistic: A realist who tries to be an optimist while keeping a grip on her pessimism and dreaming of being and idealist.
Believer/Skeptic: Believer - Skepticism has its place, but how dull the world must be for those not willing to have some belief in something beyond what we can touch/see/smell...
Tranquil/Hot-Tempered: More tranquil really - I try not to let the small stuff set me off.
Worrier/Carefree: Carefree
Just/Merciful: Just - Mercy is important, it is necessary, but if it is not tempered by real justice, then you become a living carpet for people to take advantage of and walk all over.
Steady/Changing: Steady. I'm not fond of change.
Passionate/Reserved: More reserved - except when discussing certain hot topics or my family's safety.
Open/Secretive: Apparently open, but I wear a good mask - I keep the most important things secret.
Rule Follower/Rule Breaker: I tend to follow the rules until they violate my personal moral code, then all bets are off.
tell me more, tell me more
You get to star in your own sci-fi movie!
What time period is your movie set in? Modern - I like electricity & running water - other time periods are good for study and holidays.
What’s your location? A distant planet, a space ship? Planet-side (Earth or otherwise) would be great! Just NOT underwater.
Do you have any special powers? Excellent memory, strong intelligence, and some empathy would be great!
Who are your friends/team members? Group of close friends - family by choice. We have a sarcastic computer/communications expert (just b/c I like people who talk/yell at their computers), a tough-guy (with a soft heart) fighter, and someone who is both totally crazy and yet completely dependable (not sure what their expertise would be...)
What do you look like? What do you wear? Casual & quirky is good. Jeans or khakis - one of those hobo type bags that hold everything - kind of like Mary Poppins' bag (but not in appearance)
Ideally, how old would you be? 20s-40s - old enough to have some sense & young enough to keep up
What's the villain(s) like? Evil...okay, that was bit of a given - subtle, probably charming, but with that little niggling sense of "you're not right" hanging about him.
To defeat the above, what weapon would you use? Intelligence and a really cool gun!
What the point of this whole movie? Defeat the evil empire, escape from space pirates, suppress the robotic uprising? Fighting the bad guys - & hopefully winning that fight! At least until the sequel
Do you find true love? Yes, I love a happy ending!
Does your movie have a sub-genre? Comedy, romance, drama? Drama, action, some romance, some mystery
Be honest now, do aliens exist? Yes!
filling out forms
Pick any that appeal to you.
[ X ] time travel
[ ] power
[ ] beauty
[ X ] love
[ X ] passion
[ ] warmth
[ ] cold
[ ] aliens
[ X ] exploration
[ X ] home
[ ] black holes
[ X ] freedom
[ ] survival
[ X ] glory
[ X ] mystery
[ X ] life
[ ] death
[ ] darkness
[ X ] starlight
[ ] robots
[ ] utopia
Anything else?
Please list 3 people that you have voted for!
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