Name: Caitriona
Previously stamped as:
Sci-Fi Female Original - Leia
Fantasy Female Original - Eowyn
X-Men Female - Jean Grey
X-Men Male - Archangel
Avatar - Grace
Fellowship - Aragorn
Fantasy 2000s Female - Yvaine
Fantasy 2000s Male - Jesse Tuck
Would you prefer a [ ] female [ ] male [ ] don’t care or [ X ] both stamps?
Positive characteristics: Honest, faithful, empathic
Negative characteristics: Sarcastic, disorganized, paranoid
Neutral characteristics: Stubborn, opinionated, intelligent (All of these qualities could go either way on the positive/negative scale, so I figured that's what I should put here.)
Likes: Thunderstorms, sunsets, late nights, spicy food, fan fiction, multiple fandoms (we'd be here all night)
Dislikes: Spiders, political correctness, people making fun of my beliefs or giving me grief for sticking to them.
Personality test types that fit you well:
ISFJs are traditional, loyal, quiet and kind. They are very sensitive to other people's needs because they are very observant. They have rich inner thoughts and emotions. They value stability and cultural norms. They are very adept at giving attention to detail. They do not seek positions of authority.
this or that
Abstract or Concrete: Middle of the road - I try and build on a solid foundation, but I let the style get crazy.
Adventurous or Homey: I love traveling, and I adore having a home to come back to.
Agreeable or Distant: I will certainly appear to be agreeable, but if you're not someone I trust, you won't see the real me, so you'll never know.
Cheerful or Melancholy: Cheerful - I don't do melancholy well.
Clever or Pretty: Clever
Concise or Wordy: What's the subject? It really depends - I can be both.
Creative or Traditional: More traditional
Emotional or Logical: Somewhere in the middle - I don't decide everything with my heart, but I'm not Mr. Spock either.
Extroverted or Introverted: More introverted - though I can do public speaking, but I'm not good at social situations. I'm bad with small talk.
Fighter or Lover: Prefer to be the lover, but I won't let you walk all over me either.
Flexible or Stubborn: Stubborn
Free-spirited or Practical: More practical - with a touch of the whimsy
Goody-two-shoes or Naughty: Goody-two-shoes
Helpless or Independent: Interdependent? I'd be lost without my family, but I don't need wide social approval.
Impulsive or Planner: More towards the impulsive side - I plan for certain things but the majority happen as they happen.
Mental or Physical: Mental
Modest or Vain: Modest, I think.
Subdued or Vivacious: Situational - I can get very vivid/dramatic about my favorite topics or when surrounded by people I trust. I'm more subdued with those I don't know.
a bit more
Have you seen this show? YES....YES...YES
If yes, what was your favorite part? The characters and their interaction - they are such a family (the FUN part of dysFUNctional!)
Is there any character that you feel is absolutely nothing like you? Jayne - I'd never consider selling out an innocent, and I'm just not quite that mercenary.
Anything else?
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