Stamped as Eowyn & Leia - Disney Fantasy Part 1

Jan 30, 2011 15:23

Name: Caitriona
Previously stamped as:

Original Fantasy - Eowyn
Original Sci-Fi - Princess Leia
Avatar - Grace
Fantasy 2000s - Yvaine & Jessie Tuck
Sci Fi 2000s - Inara Serra & Arthur Dent
X-Men - Jean Grey & Archangel
Fellowship of the Ring - Aragorn
Sci Fi Villain - Nero
Fantasy Villains - Davy Jones & Victoria
Alice Mini-series - Hatter
Firefly/Serenity - Inara Serra & Shepard Book
Genre - I got FIVE! (Fantasy Action/High Fantasy/SF Space Opera/SF Adventure/SF Drama)

Would you prefer a [ ] female [ ] male [ ] don’t care or [ X ] both stamps?

all about you
Positive characteristics: Empathic, family-oriented, protective, intelligent
Negative characteristics: Sarcastic, loner, disorganized, little paranoid
Neutral characteristics: Stubborn, opinionated, traditionalist, witty
Likes: reading, history, fan fiction, Texas sunsets, Colorado mountains, Florida beaches
Dislikes: political correctness, dishonesty, spiders
Personality test types that fit you well:

ISFJs have a rich inner world that is not usually obvious to observers. They constantly take in information about people and situations that is personally important to them, and store it away. This tremendous store of information is usually startlingly accurate, because the ISFJ has an exceptional memory about things that are important to their value systems. It would not be uncommon for the ISFJ to remember a particular facial expression or conversation in precise detail years after.

this or that
Abstract or Concrete: Abstract
Adventurous or Homey: I like going on adventures, but I love coming home!
Agreeable or Distant: Distant while seeming agreeable - I'm open with my inner circle of family/friends.
Cheerful or Melancholy: Cheerful - I don't usually have time for all the angst/drama!
Clever or Pretty: Clever
Concise or Wordy: Both - depends on the day, time, topic...
Creative or Traditional: I have traditional opinions, but I love creativity in the arts - written, visual, live
Emotional or Logical: This is situational - I've used both.
Extroverted or Introverted: Introverted
Fighter or Lover: You must be willing to fight for what you love - or else, it is not love.
Flexible or Stubborn: Stubborn
Free-spirited or Practical: Both - again, depends on the situation - I probably lean more towards the free-spirited, but my feet usually at least know where the ground is.
Goody-two-shoes or Naughty: Goody-two-shoes
Helpless or Independent: I'm dependent on my family, but never helpless!
Impulsive or Planner: More impulsive
Mental or Physical: Mental
Modest or Vain: Modest
Subdued or Vivacious: Subdued

a bit more
Can you do magic yourself? Yes
Do you live in the normal world or in a fantasy one? Fantasy
Do you ever find yourself breaking out in random song? Yes - especially when driving!
What's one thing you long for most in life? Family & acceptance
Describe where you live or where you want to live: Large town or small city - somewhere I can have all the modern conveniences (or magical equivalent) but can still go see nature without having to stay the night.
Have you seen any or all of these movies? Which ones are your favorites? I've seen all of these - of the list, my favorites (in order) are Sleeping Beauty, Fantasia, & Alice in Wonderland
Do you like the classics or the more forgotten movies better? Both really, but I often get drawn to the forgotten just because nobody remembers them - they may not be the best of Disney, but they all have either good songs, good characters, or funny lines.
What would you say your overall tone is - happy, sad, dark...? Happy
What roles do you play?
[ ] hero
[ ] heroine
[ ] damsel in distress
[ ] sibling
[ ] parent
[ X ] best friend
[ ] guide
[ ] comic relief
[ ] mysterious figure
[ ] plucky kid
[ ] animal sidekick

Is there any character or two that you feel are absolutely nothing like you? Leaving this open...
Anything else? Thank you!
Please list 4 new people that you have voted for!
Alternately, check this box [ X ] if you’ve voted for everyone who needs votes.

[Voters, the options for this theme are located here.]

theme: disney fantasy i: john darling, theme: disney fantasy ii: wendy darling, [disney fantasy part i]

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