Go ahead an pinch a loaf on my forhead you big whiny messiah

Sep 06, 2004 00:16

Well a few weeks ago, a week ago, two weeks ago, whenever it was I was robbed by big billy bitch tits. that was a 200$ loss, but i reached a new time high of being robbed, twice in 24 hours. About 3 in teh mornign last night, or this morning, whatever I was robbed by a crackhead in albany. I was buying some tree's, an i warned this guy i was with Tommy (one of lark streets famous late night crack heads) an he's like "Yea yea man dont worry about it you can look at the bag an shit, an if you dont want it you dont have to take it" etc. So I look at the bag an its the filthiest shit weed I've ever seen, an i say that i'm not interested. An this guy an his girlfriend were really dependent on my 240$ investment to help them buy some rocks, so they bugged the fuck out an like threatened to shoot us. There was a weird squabble about what was going on because I dont know what I was doing or what was happening really. The crackheads are mysterious people who never tell the truth, an I was on crack at teh time, so It made it really hard to tell what the fuck was going on. I just new some crazy people wanted to hurt me an take my money. So they ended up with like 40$. They didn't *steal it*. They honestly thought they deserved it, they gave us two of the shittiest 20$ bags I've ever seen. I can't imagine forcing someone to buy weed, i mean why not just take the money an give me no weed (if yuo could call it that). And that sucked an i was pissed for awhile, an we hung out with these weird dudes for awhile listened to some Primus an smoked crack in a dunkin donuts parking lot untill like 7am then we dropped him off at a shelter.
then not even 24 huors later, I dont know what the fuck i was doing but i was going to buy a zip from this friend of a friend. An the buds were mad fluffy i weighed the shit out an slice looked like 6g's easy. So in short I got ripped offf almost a half ounce. I can't believe i bought it. Like 10 mins after I bought it, i'm like "omg please tell me your stupid ass didn't just buy this". I went to teh kdis house right after but he was at a family party or some bullshit, so tommorow afternoon i'm gonna go *trade* him his 14g's for my 220$. But I already sold his weed, so as soon as he takes out the money i'm going to give him a rolled up bag of grass clippings an beat the shit out of him. Hopefully, what will probably happen is he'll run in his house, an then I'll attack his car to get my revenge. I've never even seen the kid before, but when you hate people you tend to see them in public.

speak of the devil, my favorite stalkers tried to start a fight with me an luke in price chopper. I'm walkin over to teh bathroom, an i hear "whats up bitch?" an its hassan. were just like what the fuck is your deal? i think these kids are like mentally ill, i'm going to have nightmares about this kid like showing up in my window. He's like "i think we should step outside". I'm glad we didn't because getting arrested an banned from price chopper wouldnt be a way to make my day better exactly, but at the time i was so strung out an pissed off i wanted to go out to lukes car, get the bat, an just have some ghoulish murder in price chopper.

the justice leauge of dave ayman an mb i think officially hate me again. which is funny because i've seen ayman talk about how he doesn't even consider dave his friend, an mb talk about how she wants to fuck ayman, dave told me how he cheated on mb when they were in one of there little spats, an they all get along i guess because they all hate me. its all good tho, talking to mb they talk enough shit about me where i shouldnt care if they are open about it or not.

ohhh yea i found peyote. i never thought i'd be able to try peyote but one of lukes buddies "tank" or something has peyote. i heard so many different things about it i dont know what to expect, i hear the trip is more mild then lsd, an i hear the trip is like outrageous an that you need like a spiritual guide to use it. well i guess i'll find out soon.
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