This company makes me sick. It's a multilevel marketing company like Amway, which is slightly more sustainable than a pyramid scheme. They go out looking for people who need jobs, and invite them to a "great opportunity" seminar, where they essentially try to brainwash everyone there into selling their product, which they call "prepaid legal services." The actual service itself costs about $50/month. The service is essentially crap. They market it as an analog to medical insurance but for legal matters. If something happens to you, you call them up and get advice from an attorney. Sometimes they will write letters for you. You don't actually receive any representation and the lawyers you talk to are not actually your lawyers, you just get tenuous "help" from them.
But the product isn't where the money is. The main goal of each "associate" is to recruit new associates to sell the product and recruit more associates. Each person who wants to start selling legal services has to pay in $250, part of that goes to the person who recruited them and the rest goes up the pyramid to the top execs.
Prepaidlegal/Legalshield's other venture is the Blastoff Network. The guy who tried to get me to do all of this was telling me that Blastoff Network "is going to be the new Facebook, no, even bigger than facebook." Each member adds friends and buys things through their links through everyday retailers at discounted rates. They will also receive rebates via a check from blastoff. For the past year or so, their customer service has been defunct and no one has received their promised rebates.
I went to one of their brainwashing Amway seminars about 2 years ago, and I assumed the company would have collapsed by now but I recently have been seeing "associates" peddling this crap product around the internet and around town. Blah.