We were talking about prosecution of rape in the legal system in psych class today. The professor was talking about a study she did, and basically she found that how much sexual experience a woman has influences whether or not she is going to report that she's been raped (lower levels of sexual experience -> more likely to report to police).
I asked her whether sexual orientation of the rape victim is a factor at all, and she said that out of the 200 women they sampled, none reported being lesbian and 2 reported being bisexual (story of my life >_> but we won't get into that right now lol).
Anyway, I decided to look for articles/websites/whatevers regarding queer women as victims/accusers of rape, and there's just about nothing. Statistically speaking, I feel like we're almost a negligible population (something like ~3% of the total population is queer women).
This is all I found via googles. It's a documentary about rape where both parties are lesbian. I was initially interested in the issue of men raping lesbian/bisexual women, and I can't find ANYTHING on that.
So what I'm thinking right now is that this is somewhat of a rare occurrence, and because of that, when it does happen, there are all sorts of issues that arise that might not coalesce in the same way in other rape cases. I can't really say what they are, because again, I couldn't find any research.