[tmw] 11.5 - paris sunset

May 28, 2009 12:07

NOTE: Bee is deep_red_bells and Zee is zee_ali. Both are used without permission but lots of love. :P

“Wow…get a load! Bee, that’s--”


“May, no…that’s just--”

“Puh! Puuuuuh, popo!”



Wincing a little at the tiny shriek, Tommy flashed Baileigh an apologetic grin as he passed the snapshot to Zee and set May on the floor. She promptly, and only a bit clumsily, got onto her hands and knees and started crawling towards the massive German Shepherd that was laying about a foot away.

“Uh, May? Tommy, should she…”

“She’s good.” Tommy assured her as he reached for the next of the Paris photos. “I can’t keep her away from animals, and they like her. Even Chan’s panther just sits there and lets her do whatever.”

“Ru’s just not used to kids, I mean…does she pull tails?”

“Nope, check it out.”

He watched Bee turn to see May plopping herself next to Ruhun, patting his side with one pudgy hand as she cooed at him.

“Po…ah! Po!”

Laughing when Ruhun licked May’s cheek, making her squeal, Baileigh relaxed and went back to the picture showcase, handing Zee a fresh stack of pictures. “Here, these are from the cruise. When Tommy’s done hogging, you can see the rest of the stuff I took around Paris.”

“Like that’ll happen.” Zee laughed, leaning across the coffee table again. “Ooooh, come here! I need another belly rub, damn it…”

“Ahhh…po, puh aba po!!”

“We hear you, baby!” Tommy called out, whistling as he lifted a picture of the cityscape at sunset from his stack of pictures. “Holy crap, Bee! That’s gorgeous! You take that or Julian?”

“I did! I’m so proud of that one…”

“Careful, Boney might try to hire you. Or be threatened and try to destroy you.” Tommy teased as Irina trotted into the room.

Baileigh again watched carefully as the puppy sniffed May, sneezed, then licked her cheek to make her giggle. He watched as her hand absently drifted to her stomach, touching the bulge just briefly before the moment ended and she came back to herself again.

“How is Boney, anyway?”

“Hanging in there. He doesn’t burn energy like most do, being a civilian, so he’s not in any immediate danger. Longer he goes, though…more danger he’s in.” Tommy admitted without looking up from a second image of the Arc de Triomphe.

Zee’s hand touched his arm, and a sympathetic noise came from Baileigh.

“He’ll be okay…it’s you we’re worried about, you know.”

Glancing at Zee, he managed a smile and nodded. “Yeah, I know…”

“Oh my…how long has she been doing that?!?!”

Baileigh’s muffled squeal got their attention as the pair looked at her, then at Mayilia…and gaped.

Still on the floor with the dogs, Ruhun looked on as May used Irina for support, both tiny hands on the puppy’s back as she stood on her own two feet for the first time. Her plump little features were fraught with intense concentration as she struggled to keep her wobbly legs beneath her.

Without thinking, his hand moved to find Zee’s. This time, unlike the others in the past few months, her fingers were there, warm and tight and alive as they squeezed his.

“This is the first time.” He breathed, blinking against tears as May finally looked up and beamed at them before she turned back to the task of staying upright.

A noise left Baileigh’s throat that was the same frequency as the sensation he was feeling, making his chest tight and his throat close when he looked to the side and saw Ziyah weeping, tears rolling down her cheeks as she smiled and stared at their daughter.

Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to her temple and rested his head there for a moment, freezing the moment into his memory for when he’d need it later. When the odds were stacked against him and his life depended on it, this would get him through.

“Welcome home, Ziyah…welcome home.”

Muse: Tommy Karras
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 659

from - the muses within, who - baileigh solis, who - zee, verse - master's son, what - baby's first..., who - mayilia ambrogio-karras

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