[myl] 75.3 & 75.6

May 28, 2009 10:51

Smells that make me nostalgic:

- paper
- fresh ink
- honey
- fresh baklava
- Mom's cucumber dressing
- rosewater
- sawdust
- ocean air
- sour cream
- grease paint
- sweat socks
- clay
- blood
- smoke
- hot metal
- rust

Things I do when the weather turns warm:

- go shirtless when I can
- wear shorts
- cut my hair (just a little)
- go to the beach
- rationalize Zee's nudist predilections just enough to stop blushing so damn much
- swim instead of jog
- hang out at the casinos
- spend a weekend at Lake Mead
- ride my motorcycle
- use the excuse to go barefoot more often

Tommy Karras
Original Character

what - prompts, from - make your list, verse - master's son

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