[charloft] (FRI) Changes

Apr 10, 2009 09:47

"If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change a thing!"

That's a load of crap. There's always something you'd change about your past, if you could. List five of them.

1) I wouldn't have cheated on Bess. She deserved better than that.

2) I would've engineered the Mirror stunt better...left no clues, make sure it stood the test of time.

3) I would've at least tried to get into magic long before I knew about my heritage.

4) I would've done Buried Alive the first time around.

5) [locked] I would've asked Zee to marry me the second I found out she was pregnant. Maybe she'd have turned me down for trying to be noble or something, but at least I wouldn't be killing myself over it now.[/locked]

Tommy Karras
Original Character

from - charloft, what - regrets

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